Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Cuz :grin:

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A lad I knew in college did his thesis on transport in Ireland in the early 19th century. One of his relatives was in His/Her? Majesties civil service I suppose you’d call at it at that time and was in the road building area. I remember him saying in a presentation that pikes were essentially toll booths, usually placed to catch farmers bringing stuff into market towns.


That sounds about right, with the Markets Field just up the road.

Turnpikes are toll roads.

Since it’s a soft auld day with not much going on:


I’ll need a good run at the day to read all that.

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Best to get the dinner and all done and dusted this morning so you have a clear run at it.

All pike stuff that side are named after black boy pike. Which is an area over there.

Must find out how it got the name black boy now.

Pike comes from turnpike, a toll. Must have been a black lad running it or something.

There’s a pub called the pike on the way back to Ardagh. Lots of pikes all over really.

While some people think it was in homage to my family, the first black people in Limerick… Maurice lenihan reckons its named after an old public house that existed up there which was then the road to Tipperary… By an old turn pike.

An Bealach Buí.

Place is overrun with the cunts.

The ever enlightened Cllr O’Donovan suggests people should metaphorically crawl to their destination, and freeze to death in their home during the cold winter months for good measure. She’ll have some job getting re-elected in May.


And yet sadly there is plenty of fucking spacers in the city(one of them frequents here) that will vote for her.

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The Social Democrats are a party on the rise. Look at all the plebs from FFG that still get a vote even though they are incompetents

Is that me?
I have voted Green at every election in my living memory and will continue to do so

Asking people who can afford it to consider alternative heating measures is hardly that crazy :man_shrugging:

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Are they? A load of middle class misfits and champagne socialists. They’ll never be taken seriously.

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There’s definitely a demand for wokey candidates, it’s fair to say they’re on the rise

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Imagine calling for people to slow down. The fucking gall of her.

On the rise and taken seriously aren’t necessarily the same thing… Look at RBB and Paul Murphy for example. Okey dokey wokey blokies , but no stable minded person takes them seriously on anything.


The woke party? Shower of goodie two shoes. Id vote for the greens if they wernt so woke, they have had several policies introduced in government that i agree with in terms of the environment but Ryan comes put qith aome batshit statements and the party members come out with ridiculous woke shit.


The irony of Elisa asking people not to burn fossil fuels this winter, while she’s been spotted driving a Range Rover Sport 4L Diesel lately isn’t lost on me.


american psycho art GIF by hoppip