Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

But to 30 kph?! You’d be better off walking!
A reduction to 40 kph would be the most common sense move.

Seeing as most here will believe that I better point out that Elisa drives a 97 Starlet (very infrequently) :grinning:

Didnt know she was a boy racer

The box starlets would be popular alright.



This is turning a bit creepy lads.

I gave an ESB pole a dreadful wallop in one of those in the late 90s. The ESB pole was stoic, the starlet not so much. Was never the same after and I sold it on to a Japanese chap who did exactly no due diligence pre sale.

He rive, he rearn.


Would you rather be hit by a vehicle going at 30kp/h or 40kp/h?

Do we have to get hit at all? I’d prefer skip this lesson altogether if you wouldnt mind


A real strawman to that argument alright.

What’s the story with this house? It was on the market for a few years as Jackson’s Turret and was priced around 900k. I see it’s now been put back up under a new name, Roseville, as if it’s new to the market for 595k. It’s in a great location so there must be some serious underlying issues if it hasn’t attracted any interest.

Roseville, Clancy’s Strand, Ennis Road, Co. Limerick, V94HEF2 is for sale on

Planning permission on the site next to it is a major turn off I’d say. There was a derelict house there that got knocked a couple of years ago.

At a guess there could also possibly be some costly structural issues given it’s age.


Listed building so you can’t do anything with it renovation wise.

It’s a bit underhand to re-market it under a different name. Not that it makes much odds.
Cool location:

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Bannon would do a lovely job with that, shur he doesnt need planning.

There are listings up for it from 2021, an odd one alright. Right beside the Curragower. Maybe having to look across as the much-maligned Sarsfield House every day is putting buyers off.

Gas. Wonder has Mikey Roberts, the estate agent, a hand in the change of title? There’s a Rosehill on O’Callaghan Strand down the opposite direction

Those houses along there are slow to sell. If you think global warming is going to increase flooding you couldn’t be buying it

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I wouldn’t say there is too much underhand going on with the change of name on the adverts, it was listed by HOD originally. You wouldn’t mistake the property for another one.

Roberts is/was also the agent for the empty site next door and the building at the far side of the empty site though.

It’s always been called Roseville, Jackson’s turret is a description rather than a name,
I can’t see what they’d have to benefit from :man_shrugging:

Curragower house next door was demolished last year much to the chagrin of the Wokies