Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

A hape of townie cunts :smiley:

passed it many times never been. Always went to the spotted dog in janesboro with the grandfather

Is there anywhere wouldn’t be safe around there? What about the ones either side of the train station?

I’ve drank in Charlie St George’s a few times before we went off on the train or whatever but there’s never been any great calling for me to go drinking anywhere else up there or any great desire on my part either.

What’s the black swan place like on the way up side street towards Bakers?

They are all safe for me man so I wouldnt be the best to tell you. What I will say is you absolutely won’t get trouble that side of town unless you go looking for it.

The only places I wouldnt go used be the steering wheel and the galvone

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Surprisingly nice pub on the inside. I‘ve been at a few functions there and the first time I saw the outside I thought I was going into a place like you’d see on the movies with a cage around the singer and fellas smashing bottles off it. But it’s a very clean shop to be fair to them

Load of auld lads minding their own business any time I was ever in there. It might even be closed now.

Never been there but the brother in law’s in laws would be that side of town and he’s been there a fair bit. Pure solid finest he says. Decent people and no messing

A smashing pub. The haven used to be a great pub as well

The swan is full of alcos. The worst theyd do is tap a smoke off you

Fucking rake of Limerick pubs I’ve never been in. Will have to hit them up for the TFK Christmas party @Julio_Geordio @EstebanSexface @Thomas_Brady @Phil_Leotardo

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The spotted dog is some drinking pub
Great characters in it

Ya seemed a real locals bar.

I’ll bring you on a tour lad.

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Between the two hard men townies we’d nearly be safe enough anywhere. :grinning:

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Its mad, a lot of gang from Janesboro and Glasgow/Kennedy Park wouldnt step foot inside the dog and are pure imperial heads. I think the owner of the dog pissed a lot of the locals off a few years back

Some great pubs along edward street/parnell/lower gearld Griffin Street. Austins, Charlie st George, rashers, patsys

I’d probably get in more trouble than ye for bringing outsiders on a safari :sweat_smile:

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That was always a grand pub . My uncle used to frequent it when in town

same fella owns squires Maguires