Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

You know best donā€™t you, like you knew best about both referendums.

Strip us away of every bit of Irishness and copy what every one else is doing.

Looking forward to your comments following the first death of someone after a drunken row in a niteclub at 5.43am. Arsehole.

No dancing please, weā€™re Irish :smile:

Wokies getting the blame for both sides of this argument :grinning:

I donā€™t think I have. The demand is not there for them as peopleā€™s habits have changed in general and a lot of people that do go out are generally happy to spend their night in a pub or late bar, which will continue to be the case with licencing until 2.30.

If a premises wanted a 24 hour licence I wouldnā€™t have an issue with it in principle. However if a nightclub is open until 6am when exactly is it going to get busy. I donā€™t have any special insight into it but I imagine most owners would rather run a busy bar from 10 until 2.30 rather than from 1 or 2 until 6.

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Have a few cans at home watching Match of the Day on a Saturday night and tip into town then.

Do what your European overlords tell you, like a good little lad.

Youā€™ll make fine shoe shine boy for the Secretary General in the Department yet. Whatever you do, donā€™t ever form an original thought of your own.

Iā€™d wager youā€™ve never had an original thought in your life.

Sure wonā€™t the market decide that?
A club owner isnā€™t going to stay open just because he can if itā€™s losing him money.

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Young peopleā€™s habits have changedā€¦ A virtual pub is the future.

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As a Footix, this sounds very appealing

I donā€™t think itā€™s the case that you can put it down to demand. The businesses have been squeezed out by restrictive licensing laws and other factors in Ireland. Most comparable countries had a healthy and functioning night time economy, itā€™s highly unlikely that young people in Ireland are so different from the UK, Germany, most of Europe that they dont want it, they just have never been catered for. Night clubs opening til 6am are more likely to be for ticketed events where people go because they are interested in the music as opposed to just opening the likes of dā€™icon for a longer period every night.

In to town to bate the head off you Mancs and chant justice for the 96 :clap::clap::clap:

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Thatā€™s a fact, itā€™s hard enough keep and retain staff in the hospitality industry as it is, without you having the extra staff costs by staying open later.

This is a bit like the last referendum, who exactly is looking for this?

The industry. Itā€™s also quite apparent that the licensing laws are long overdue an overhaul.

Virtual fingering :thinking:

Exactly. Let anybody at it if they want but I just donā€™t think the market is there for many very late venues, Dublin aside.

I donā€™t see an explosion in nightclubs happening either way.

I donā€™t get the arguement.
It gives club owners the option to open later.
If the demand is there they will, if it isnā€™t they wonā€™t.

Itā€™s not going affect a whole pile of people. All it does is give people more choice.


In Dublin Iā€™d say; Iā€™ve been out in Limerick and Cork late plenty; I donā€™t think the demand is there in the regional cities and towns outside of Christmas and All Irelands

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Didnā€™t some one in the UK try to report a virtual sexual assault recently?

Thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone now.