Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

It might be less regular in Limerick in a smaller market. There is definitely a demand there for it, but not necessarily multiple such nights a week.

I could see it in Dublin. Iā€™d reckon there could be a lot of unintended consequences re consumption, staffing, and lads generally getting into bad habits though.

A frape?

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Could lead to good old school impromptu rave here and there.

Could see some nights go on longer than planned. No need for the musicians to stop.

Could lead to endless renditions of Caledonia in a sing song too mind you thoā€¦

Youā€™d want some pockets to keep you in coke till 6am

If young people or ā€œwokeā€ people are for something then disaffected dimwit simpletons like @SlippyStevie are against it. People shouldnā€™t have choice. Fuck young people and their dancing. Itā€™s far from dancing they were reared. They should be made go to mass.

Md renaissance

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One witty response said - what next, war crimes for Call of Duty?

I lolled and am still lolling at that one.


All you have is name calling, like all virtue signallers.

Looking forward to your analysis in years to come on the effects of increased alcohol consumption, mental health issues, law and order issues etc.

Let them open 24 hours a day shur, anything to be more liberal and seen as ā€˜tolerantā€™.

If this gives more opportunities for @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi to demonstrate his jiving skills, Iā€™m all for it.


In Nancys unril half 6. The man will be broken

Have to be careful on the virtual front. Could be all going well in messages then she tells you she has 2 kids :see_no_evil:

What age are you? Give us a decade?

I wonder what ā€œLimerick Against Corrupt Bouncersā€ makes of this?

A great page to follow, some gas posts, its limerick word on the street now.

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Gway, I never knew that. That is fantastic! Yer man aged out or got sick of nightclubs and rebranded

Thereā€™s a Limerick Now on X. Similar craic.

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No nightclubs in covid i guess. Trying to be a news outlet :joy:

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Limerick now is a different page altogether. Not as batshit. Comments on fb are always a great read

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Old enough to know a toffee nosed, weak, spineless prick when I see one.