Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Yeah it’s kinda like the recent referendum. Making the changes will either help or have no effect on people but a crowd of snowflake, right wing, wokester, virtue signalling, cucks like @SlippyStevie are hopping like sausages in a pan & inventing scenarios where honest to goodness IRISH people will be ruined because of it.


Angry as well as stupid, I see.

Yeah pubs open as long as they want. They will only open if people are in there drinking. If no one is there after 3 am they wont stay open

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You seem to spend half your days pushing a pram with your sprogs around North Dublin.

The cunt with the guitar at the house party could be sitting next to you in the pub until 6am. Doesn’t bear thinking about.


The 6am closing could be handy for @Corksfinedtboy. He’d get a couple of hours overtime bouncing before heading straight off for his day-job decorating.


Bouncing was a one off return to my past,
Ref decorating I’m twiddling my thumbs last 3days , weather


This chap in Wexford knows more than an arsehole like @glasagusban

As an Operations Resource Manager with the National Ambulance Service, Independent councillor Ger Carthy is all too aware of the role alcohol plays in determining the workload of he and his colleagues.

Any big night out in Wexford town will be reflected in the number of ambulance call-outs and the numbers in the waiting room at the Emergency Department of Wexford General Hospital.

It’s for this reason that Cllr Carthy has major concerns around government proposals to change the licencing laws to allow nightclubs to stay open until 6 a.m.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee said she has been working “intensively” to get the new laws published, having come under pressure from outgoing Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to do so.

However, in recent days, newly elected Fine Gael leader Simon Harris has come under pressure to abandon the plans, with Chief Medical Officer Breda Smyth having voiced her opposition in recent days and joined the Road Safety Authority in calling for a Health Impact Assessment on the bill.

From Cllr Carthy’s point of view as an experienced member of the National Ambulance Service, the push towards longer opening hours represents nothing but an attempt to curry favour with sections of the electorate and publicans at the expense of public safety.

"In my opinion its just bowing to populist pressure,” he said. “It’s alright for Minister McEntee to pander to the publicans, but we’re the ones that will be left cleaning up the mess.”

Cllr Carthy believes that Minister McEntee and her government colleagues have failed to fully grasp all of the implications of allowing pubs to open until 12.30 a.m. seven nights a week, late bars retain the existing 2.30 a.m. closing time and nightclubs to remain open until 6 a.m. with alcohol not permitted to be sold beyond 5 a.m.

"You can be sure that gardaí will have similar concerns about this,” Cllr Carthy said. “It’s something that could have a detrimental impact on emergency services. Resources are stretched as it is to provide a safe and effective service.

"To have nightclubs open until 6 a.m. would be crazy. People will be going from the pub to work. People need to be able to figure out night from day. We’ve had a system in place for years. It’s adapted to the times in relation to Good Friday and Sunday opening hours, but this is just a step too far in my view.”


SlippySteve: No one will go to these late night clubs

Also SlippySteve: Everyone will be off their heads drunk in these all night clubs


Dodgy keeper is taking the league semi final loss very badly

Paddy has an awful problem with the drink. The last thing Paddy needs is longer opening hours.


You’re right and that’s replicated all over the country ( ambulance overload etc)
FFS haven’t we enough hours already in pubs n clubs

Surely spreading the load out over the night will help the ambulances

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Heres green roots the policy has likely helped.foster:


100 pc

Did you get anyone in a choke hold?

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Wait is slippy dodgy? Sure he can’t be trusted with the drink at all, sure that explains it!

Having spent most of my mid 20s in the UK where 24 hour licence was in effect I used to find that you would see very little people absolutely balloobas out and about after 2am. As there isn’t a cut off time people aren’t necking a heap of spirits at 1am as the bars or club is about to stop serving.

There used to be one nightclub I used to frequent which had a bizarre enough set up. 2am the main club used to end - music off, lights on, bar closed. Then at 2:30am a smaller night club attached to it would open which would stay open til 6am, but it meant you had a few hundred people just loitering around for 30 minutes waiting for the new club to open, I suppose it helped weed out those who were steams and were ready for home those who wanted to keep going.

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There’s nothing worse than watching the clock while drinking pints.

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Sucking boobs

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