Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

Iā€™d say heā€™s an UUCOAM

Helen Oā€™Donnell would be more likely than Butler to challenge Moran. Quinlivan will get a big first preference but transfers might knock him out.

Heā€™s the provisional FG candidate. O Donnell is the continuity one.

Why would there be transfers? Thereā€™s one seat not four. Iā€™d imagine whoever gets most votes wins, simple.

Because someone still has to reach a quota.

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RTƉ appear to be making a bit of a balls of it though half the field including EOD havenā€™t a chance.

There will be a live debate on Upfront with Katie Hannon. Only eight candidates will take part. Not sure if EOD will be one of them but I think she might as a sitting councillor. The other seven, including John Moran, have been offered a sixty second pitch from the audience.

So Moran hasnā€™t made the seven to get on stage at Katie Hannonā€™s debate? Iā€™d imagine only having a seat in the audience for that would as good as put paid to your chances.

Heā€™s not. RTƉā€™s standard criteria for these types of debates seem to focus on whether the candidate is a sitting TD or Councillor, prior party election results etc. so donā€™t give much scope to include first time running Independents.

I noticed Moranā€™s signs on the way to work this morning.

ā€œMoran: More for Limerick.ā€

I hope he didnā€™t spend too long coming up with that slogan.

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Looks like he ripped off the Limerick Atlantic Edge European Embrace type logos /colour scheme also.

He made some comment along the lines of not wanting to put up posters but felt he had to at the last minute because everybody else did.

To me one quick way to victory would be have more posters than anybody else - obviously a big expense then and need foot soldiers to do it. But if you can bombard every fifth pole with your face youā€™d be 80% of the way there. I see in some villages near me for example Iā€™ve only seen Elisa Oā€™Donovan on one pole whereas Moran has a good few up, Butler, Oā€™Donnell etc. Moranā€™s stand out as better quality posters as they are not the usual standard size.

My experience of him was that he was a total ballbag albeit a confident one.


First time reading about him. Seems dangerously underqualified to be a secretary general, let alone of finance during an economic crisis. His biggest job was being head of an outpost for a big Irish law firm. Wtf.

Think he was high up enough in GPA and Irish head of Zurich. Theyā€™d have been big enough gigs. He also ran a coffee cart in the South of France.

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Made to be Mayor of Limerick so


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Oh yes. I wouldnā€™t doubt his ability to get stuff done and he probably has a vision too (that can be a double edged sword :dagger: though).

Helen Oā€™Donnell will do a lot better than many think. May not win it, but could stop someone else winning it as they say.

Sheā€™s well in the running according to BoyleSports though not sure what insight they have.

Iā€™m surprised Brian Leddin is such an outsider, the proliferation of unused cycle lanes causing additional traffic probably havenā€™t helped.

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Nobody outside the city will vote for Leddin.

Fair point.