Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

Didnā€™t know until now she was doing that well with the bookies.

Iā€™m not sure what weight you can place on it really.

I think itā€™ll be her or Moran that gets it tbh.

I have to say I lolā€™d at that,whatā€™s the story there.Is he a Jason Bourne type character?

Heā€™s a spoofer like all these big time CEOā€™s. But sure who better to be a Mayor than someone who understands the other spoofers.

The Mayor wonā€™t have any actual power, so really itā€™s just someone to go and talk to the yanks when they bring over their cash.

At least he is a spoofer who has actually achieved some stuff


You need someone who can get things done, not some idealogue spouting on about Guatamala etc. Moran was one of the triumvirate of West Limerick men along with his namesake Derek, and Noonan, who saved this country.

The Global Head of Zurich Financial Services is dangerously under qualified compared to a civil service lifer who never worked in the real world?

Iā€™ve no doubt Moran is a bit of a dose and loves himself, but I donā€™t want the Mayor to be my friend and call out for a pint on a Sunday evening. Youā€™d rather someone with a good mix of real world and civil service experience who has a bit of go about him. What exactly the powers of the Mayor will be arenā€™t very clear, but I feel heā€™d be far more effective at getting things done than a local county councilor.

That Phoniex article is a lot of bluster too. This bit made me laugh

More recently, RHH lobbied the council, again on Moranā€™s own behalf, seeking improvements that would lead to ā€œa better public realm in the Georgian quarter for safety of residentsā€. By that stage, Moran had acquired a second Georgian pile ā€“ on Pery Square, again a stoneā€™s throw from Oā€™Connell Street.

Heā€™s investing in Limerick City and renovating Georgian houses that had been let to fall down. They make that seem like a bad thing for a potential Mayor to be doing.


Quinlivan, Daly and Leddin wonā€™t get the rural votes in Limerick.
The main party aligned candidates are pretty weak and again wonā€™t have any traction outside the city.

Moran had no posters up until this weekend, but seems to have plenty out now. Heā€™d do well to play up his up west Limerick roots over the next few weeks.

Whereā€™s he from exactly? Heā€™s not one of the Moranā€™s from Athea is he? I see a good few posters now of him in the west. Hard to believe he is even money favourite with the bookmakers but is not party affiliated and is not among the seven contenders Katie Hannon is putting on the televised debate. That will damage his chances. I would say heā€™s head and shoulders the best option but thatā€™s not to say heā€™ll get it, most apes wonā€™t know his credentials and he needs a majority of them to vote for him. Iā€™d guess this could go to the likes of Quinlivan unfortunately with the SF pull factor.

They got Butler to record a ā€œdown with the kidsā€ promo where heā€™s in the car listening to Denise Chaila and Hermitage Green.

Despite West Limerick having maintained a fairly strong IRA presence in the 80ā€™s & 90ā€™s a Sinn Fein candidate has never made a dent there. Although one looper nearly snuck in the last time with transfers.

He definitely has family in Athea but not sure of the exact connections.


Thereafter, I entered the legal field, passed the New York Bar and spent three formative years as one of the youngest lawyers at Sullivan & Cromwell on Wall Street, a leading global legal advisor to corporates and national governments. Following a detour to Italy for a World Cup in 1990, I returned to join Tony Ryanā€™s GPA on Shannonside. I qualified as an Irish solicitor and an associate of the Institute of Taxation of Ireland while working and travelling globally.

I next took charge of the New York office of Irish lawfirm McCann Fitzgerald, advising US clients setting up operations in Ireland, managing aviation finance deals, and assisting CIE with a US financing of rolling stock. During the next ten years working for Zurich Financial Services I established and lead Zurich Bank in Dublin before being promoted to oversee the companyā€™s Asian operations from Sydney and later the multi-billion dollar global ZCM operations in New York.

In 2004, during a much-needed career-break in France, I attended the Cordon Bleu culinary school and took French lessons at La Sorbonne in Paris. These valuable skills helped when I opened a juice bar and restaurant in rural France near Toulouse.

Juice bar in France

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He made a rate my crib style video also.

Is the blond one the only FF candidate? She seems lightweight and I doubt they will leap frog FG and SF anyway. Butler for FG is a big price 10/1 not that Iā€™m bothered to have a bet on it.

Itā€™s actually like a James Bond film.

The financial titan, who hung up his keyboard and retired to run a juice bar in the South of France, answered the call of his country and returned to save it from financial ruin.

I can imagine the scene as he serves an early morning cappucino to an elderly man who is immersed in the Financial Times. As he lays the coffee on the table, the newspaper slowly drops to reveal Michael Noonan.

Moran sensing whatā€™s coming, opens first ā€œNo way Michael, Iā€™m gone from that gameā€

ā€œJohn, your country needs youā€


Oā€™Donnell will probably take a fair bit of Butlerā€™s FG vote.

Morans home place is on the way to the Well, just after the caher road.

Three ā€œFine Gaelā€ candidates surely mess up the votes.

Youā€™d see the Deemobile flying around town a good bit and the posters are everywhere. The FF machine in Limerick isnā€™t what it was but they are making an effort

Another prick of a man.

At least he was. But maybe heā€™s ā€˜grownā€™ since.

Iā€™m giving Moran no.1

I didnā€™t see any posters for Moran on my way through East Limerick on Sunday. Plenty for Ryan. They got a nice photo of her.