Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

His posters only went up in the last couple of days. They are different to the regular posters. “Yes we can” meets Wild Atlantic Way type vibe.

The Wallace posters are bizarre. Hard to know whether they are for him or agin him.

… with a good set of gnashers.

Voting for FF, FG etc again, ye deserve everything ye get.

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You’re right. We don’t deserve one of the strongest economies in Europe.

This “strongest economy” bollox again.

As opposed to you’d give Moran 1

This cunt. Definitely anti immigration, and most definitely “free free free house & money for me”, etc

At least he made the effort to dress himself up for court.

He has had issues of some sort for a while by the sounds of it.

The “I’m alright Jack crowd” couldn’t give a hoot about hospital waiting lists, housing crisis or anything like that as long as the economy is “strong”.

It sits majestic on the Shannon :heart_eyes:We’re the new telecommunications centre of the world currently.

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Seamus Flanagan hiding in the jacks in there grabbing as many naps as he can away from the children.

Telecommunications is the new recruitment agency. Half the limerick team are gone In

If you can decipher Kinnerk’s mathematical equations on the whiteboard you’ll be headhunted by all the MNCs


I only read the start of the article which only mentioned the NY job which didn’t seem very senior or a good prep. Global head of Zurich (was he?) does seem more like the kind of level you’d want alright.

It does seem clear that his approach in the department of finance was driven by his private sector experience, in a negative way it looks like.

I’ll get the usual scorn for this but I’ll make this point anyway. On the idea of a civil service lifer that never worked in the real world versus someone from the international financial sector, I would entirely flip the relevance of the respective experiences. Someone from the private sector has no experience of regulation or of administration. They are driven by completely different interests and I would question whether those are relevant or appropriate to running a government department like finance. There are a few headbangers around the civil service still, fewer and fewer of them as the age out. But in the main the really senior people and those in key positions are exceptional.

So the fellas CV includes: running a small law firm office in NY, a couple jobs running more arms of Zurich at a more senior level, setting up a juice bar, secretary general of the department of finance, and now he’s running for mayor of Limerick.

Spot the outlier in that list. How in the fuck was he parachuted in as SG of Finance in the middle of a crisis???

That’s completely incorrect.

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Designing and running an entire regulation environment. Administration of state.

Companies impacted by regulation, certainly in financial services at least, tend to have as much knowledge regarding regulation as the designers.

Yes but their experience and perspective is entirely different. They operate under regulation, they don’t design and administer them.