Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Yes, they have real world experience of regulation.

I’m sure you can see how operating under the rules is different to designing them.

Absolutely. Experience in implementation and understanding real world impacts would be a valuable asset for a regulator to have.

Would he be doing many X-rays in there?

He’s well travelled like myself so.

Pretty much. I am not sure they are up to much, but I would vote for the social democrats first and whoever else afterwards excluding FF and FG. More so to just vote for someone different, give them a shot, if they screw it up, they’re out.

Why would the Mayor of Limerick be designing rules?

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My earlier point was essentially that mayor of Limerick seems more his level than SG of Finance.

lol as Sec Gen of Finance with Noonan he was designing nothing. He was doing what EU/Troika told him.

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Can you imagine the Troika lads landing over and we rolling out the owner of a juice stand to deal with them?

No wonder they hairy aped us

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And a lazy eye

If Moran has the usual suspects up in arms, he’s the right man for the job.


Wait until they find out he is gay and they will be tied up in knots.

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What are the duties of the elected mayor in any case?
It’s a shocking lightweight field but what can you expect I suppose.
Moran is probably the best man for the job alright despite his faults,
Did O’Donnell run a cafe?
Would Quinlivan or Leddin have to give up the seat in Leinster house?

It does seem to have gotten plenty of publicity

And your other options are???
A lad ( nice fella apparently)whos uncle is a property developer who got his ould fellas concil seat and achieved what outside of politics??

A lady ( again a very nice person) whos late husband was a life long politican and she ran a cafe

A former Fine Gaeler who worked in PR in London, came home and and found out dhe was FFer.

A lad who had filled the city with cycle lanes and never worked a day outside of politics and apparently said nasty things about a young lady.

A heap of crusties.
Advice required on who should get a high profile position in charge of a couple of hudred millun operation.


Its unfortunate that there is no proper headbangers in the race, ill have to vote based on how good the candidate will be at the job. Moran is that guy

Oh an by the way.
Moran drove the agenda from day one on a directly elected mayoral position. How for whos benefit in the long run do you think he was thinking of?? The people of Limerick…was he fuck!

You could give Gerben Uunk from the Party for Animal Welfare (PAW) your vote if you’re looking for something a bit alternative.


She’s ex FG too.