Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

'Tisn’t often I buy books, but I’ll buy that one.

A simple oul salad…

You got it in one :wink:
Remember, the factory isn’t always the answer.

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A climb down from RTÉ. All/most of the party candidates called for the Independents to be part of the debate. Not a great reaction from Moran.

A neighbour who is a long time councillor just said that he’s supporting Moran for the mayoral election despite the fact that he’s not in his own party, also spoke highly of O’Donnell.
Said Moran blew them all away in some debate in LIT the other night and will do the same on RTÉ

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I was talking to someone last night who watched the debate and said Moran and Quinlivan were the winners on the night

Per his tweet above he is not going to participate in the RTÉ debate having rightly argued to be allowed take part. Really poor attitude and not doing himself any favours.

Moran should be running the country

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I watched this debate on YouTube. Moran did well but “blew them all away” is a massive exaggeration.

He was.


And look where it got us.

We’re talking about a county councillor here lad

You watched the debate? WTF

Limerick local politics is box office kid

I believe there will be another Daily Mail article attacking Leddin tomorrow… By not apologising apparently Brian has painted EOD as a scorned lover :joy:… I’d say this article is what will do this. Ket sleeping dogs die ffs.

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Box office, i have been very disappointed at the lack of shit slinging in the mayoral race so far

Need a few more leaked WhatsApps :eyes:

2 sundays to polling day i assume theyll appear. You would miss Jeremy Kyle for all this

I believe EOD spoke very passionately about struggling to buy a house in the recent debate? @Jack_Hackett might confirm …

@Kyle’s old squeeze on RTE 1 tonight :smiley: