Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I was never with Frankie


Is EOD a tan?


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This Labour fella is some twerp. You wouldn’t let him in charge of your dog


Who wins this election lads?

Is this on in the Lime tree? Half the audience are Mary I staff

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Father from Rathkeale, mother from Longford. Elisa was reared in London and moved back to Rathkeale with the family at 15.

Slow enough start so far, tone was set by the chair wasting time on what a candidate tweeted about FF in the past.


Like a lot from the uk every Christmas :open_mouth:


The FF blonde is twitching like an 8yr old who knows all the answers or badly in need of the toilet

That’s the way it’s gone for Hannon. This stick and covering in for Joe Duffy on the radio.

Yer wan who waters the flowers?

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Someone told me she’s been playing the poor card in relation to getting a mortgage that she was very lucky to get and buy her current abode. She previously tweeted that AIB wouldn’t give her a mortgage over a credit card. A search of the land registry shows her parents own the house :person_shrugging:t2:


Jesus EOD would sicken your hole


Dee looks a lot better in her posters is one for the understatement thread

Blue blood - chamber of commerce head for years

The RTÉ cameras are putting a decade on her here.

Elisa is getting my no one if I had one. Limerick needs her

Aboy Frankie…

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A man of the people :clap: