Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Leddin would actually be decent as Mayor but he has no sex appeal

I saw her in town a couple of hours ago, I didn’t get a great view but from what I saw she looked better in real life as I drove by than she does in her posters.

People before profit fella won’t do.


Her WhatsApp was sabotaged there the other day as part of a dirty tricks campaign. Its not clear who got on to WhatsApp to suspend her account for an hour or two.

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Met her at a do about ten years ago. A stunner then anyway

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Who’s this Daly simpleton? finger pointing and shouting over a woman, even a FFer , is rarely a good look…

He’s a sound skin.

Frankie has done a lot of good work on the ground in the city, but he’s making a show of himself tonight.

He might very well be, but his frustration is palpable. Shouting and shaking his head when he’s not allowed to make rambling, disjointed points about various committees he served on is not a great look in a televised debate

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Frankie is only missing the plastic bag.

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Yeah, he actually cares , a bit too much…but he’s up against individuals who are well groomed. he’s more of a man on the ground than a figure head. He’s not a mayor.


Dee Ryan has my vote. Frankie 2nd preference.

I’d say she’s a thundering cunt.

Daly is the man for the job. A lunatic.


Is Maurice favourite or who? Just basing it off this

2nd round are coming up next.

Leddin won that . He was the only one with a clear plan and a grasp of what is actually needed… He’s a drip tho.


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I came into this thinking Moran would be my no.1 vote.
Tbf, there’s a few candidates here who would do a decent job imho.
Daly sounds like he’d be more at home in a rural independent grouping perhaps, but I don’t doubt he’s sincere.

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Daly is getting my first preference. Moran 2nd and Leddin 3.

Could you trust Moran after reneging about coming on the show? Did he reverse his decision on no posters too?