Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Didn’t think he was but haven’t seen him or the son in ages.

You’d think that place would be a gold mine

It’s an awful dump,they should be coining it in with all the houses around it.Look at the Centra in Raheen,he’s printing money.

He’s getting some grand free publicity out of it. Must be the third or fourth time he has gotten an article in the Leader

Hopefully the Gleeson bros will set up a gofundme page to make up for their losses, I’m sure their thousands of ex staff will contribute generously

Awful story


He is. Could be 6 months now

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That’s ruff

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Goes to show how much these convenience stores price gouge if he can still turn a profit with so large a loss

“Sweet” Dee Ryan the new bookies favourite.

Horrific stuff. Her own dogs?

Expect the big house to throw a few grand on O’Donnell to shorten her odds…

There is no reason for allowing general ownership of those breeds. “It’s not the dog” is bullshit.


It’s the same argument you’d hear the yanks saying about guns.Joe public has no business owning these kind of dogs.In fact I go so far as to say nobody should own these kinds of animals other than in a zoo if you want to see one.


Classy. Fucking idiot.

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Rumoured that the dogs were set on her by a partner!! Horrible if true… hopefully the owners are held accountable

I met a guard earlier who told me that,they had split up apparently.If true he should be put down with the dogs.

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That is evil. Anyone doing that deserves the worst


Thats disgusting if true he shouldnt see daylight again. He’ll get 4 yesrs with 45 months suspended

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