Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

What does a sensible immigration policy mean?
For starters, stop granting ā€˜asylumā€™ to immigrants from countries on the ā€˜safe listā€™. These are economic migrants, and clearly do not warrant an asylum status. Those coming from war torn countries who could have potentially been victims of crime should be granted asylum on a ā€˜one by oneā€™ basis. Those who arrive into the country without documentation should be refused entry and deported immediately.

Regarding economic migrants, they should be made welcome in Ireland, as long as they contribute. No social welfare without a minimum 3 year spell spent in employment.


There are pro taliban taxi drivers in Limerick. Anyone who sympathises with that lot should not be in Ireland. Imagine your daughter getting a lift home with them. There is definitely one driver at least. Deport !!

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Wow,flesh that out a bit.

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This is a far right dream come true,
Cast shade on every Afghan in Limerick, racism 101


I have it on good authority from a good Limerick socialist no less. A convo came up on way home and when the talibƔn can up the driver told yer man he needed to be educated and that the taliban were doing ok. He has no problem giving lads lifts home on the beer though the cunt.

Again flesh that out in English please

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Iā€™ve gotten a spin from the same driverā€¦ Heā€™s around a couple of years. I agreed with him on the Taliban, a great bunch of lads who defeated the Russians and the yanks.


The Taliban are far better for Afghanistan than the US puppet regime.

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if youā€™re a bloke

Great bunch of lads

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They flipped, using ukip slogans ffs

I called into planet pizza in raheen this eveningā€¦food v average but a 9in pizza with two toppings, chips a can of coke and garlic sauce for 7.99 in a deal is hard bet

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Pizza planet II


Not saying Iā€™d support it, but Iā€™d say a moderately anti immigrant stance would do very well.

The fucking racism under every post online now is incredible. I donā€™t think a majority are racist, but I do think a majority are not in favour of whatā€™s happening.

There was a thing on Facebook today about a big house for sale in Limerick and comments were all about how they would home refugees in it. When it was clearly a trophy house for a millionaire. It was a laughable suggestion. But the comments under it were mental.

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Ah mush. Pizza planet FFS.


If youā€™re driving, pull over safely, put on the flashers and get ditch side of your vehicle.

Roll up your sleeve and fist, violently and repeatedly, your throat until you have successfully evacuated all of the ā€˜foodā€™ consumed from that establishment.

Thank me tomorrow.

Iā€™d say heā€™s on the wind up. Unless heā€™s suddenly become a college student

Weā€™ll forgive @gilgamboa as he was passing through,locals that go there thoughā€¦

If heā€™d only asked for recommendations he could have had the Limericks hopping and got a nice post out of the review

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