Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

@The_Dunph uses to be a regular inside the Railway Hotel back in the day.

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I’m amazed they haven’t it filled with Ukrainians. Must be in a bad way inside

They owe you one nap.

Himself and fellow hayseed @Tournafulla_Man were great buddies.I seems to remember @The_Dunph sitting himself in France one time.

A post on here reminded me of thedunph recently, he used to have awful trouble with technology and getting a haircut. He was a gas ticket.

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There’s a pathway down by the pharmacy. Would that be any help to you?

That migrants seeking political asylum from ‘safe countries’ be vetted on a case by case basis.

That’s what is and has been happening. Everyone who applies for asylum has their application assessed and decided on individually.

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Oh the irony. Cllr O’Donovan was quite happy to harass elderly pensioners praying outside a church, even threatening to report them to Gardai. She brought a lot of this upon herself. I have zero sympathy for her.

You reap what you sow.

I bloody hope the news I’m hearing this morning isn’t true.

has she continued to harass them online ?




Go on

Talks of a murder last night but I don’t think it’s true thankfully.

Not really I think. Just because she is a public figure doesn’t mean she should have to continually put up with it but thems the breaks on social media these days.


I heard it was bullshit

Ya I’d say at this stage it surely isn’t true