Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

A big, dirty bogger picking at the greasy chicken and chips and then putting his sticky fingers on the steering wheel and driving off again.


Mind your tone you dirty drunk

Have you been? It’s unreal, best food I’ve had in Limerick by a distance, Michelin Star to come I’d say

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They must not have had the fried spuds and waffles the size of your head

Ah, that’s only cause I mentioned it was very good a few days ago,
It’s a phenomenal restaurant, not just for the food either, the hostess and staff are excellent, many of the seats have a view of the kitchen as well which is only seperated from the dining room by a low wall,
It’s worth a detour

It’s very transparent alright.

You’re not the first person to speak highly of it. I’ll tip in the next time I’m back in West Limerick

I’ve been twice but not in a few years.
First time was not long after if opened and it was excellent. Marginally not as good the 2nd time but still very good. The prices were probably better then too, I dont know have the prices increased much in recent years?

Twas about 60 ahead last night. It was decent but nothing special at all. It’s totally overhyped which would be standard enough for adare. I ate in Edinburgh last month where it was 30 pounds ahead and at least twice as good. Possibly being harsh but it’s so hyped i was expecting a lot.

It’s very very reasonable compared to similar style restaurants around the country, and the quality of food is far above what you pay, mains all around 25 euro

Would they bring out a second helping of mashed spuds?

That’s not much of an increase so which is remarkable given how many awards it has won since it opened. They used to do a pig board consisting of various pieces of pork. A serious feed.

Nevilles last week came to 101, which I thought was good value for what we had (2 starters, 2 of the more expensive mains, 1 dessert, 2 espresso, 2 pints & 2 prosecco :rollseyes: )

Comparing Nevilles to 1826 is like comparing soccer to gaelic football. Ones a pub and ones a restaurant. In terms of pub grub Nevilles is miles ahead of anything in limerick. Streets ahead. After being relatively disappointed yesterday evening I enquired to a few friends who’d know their stuff food wise in limerick they thought 1826 is good but overrated and also the owners would have very close links to the right links to enhance your chances of winning one of those awards. The service was poor enough. I think it’s only open 4 days a week now. In others news there’s a wine and tapas bar going in adare.

Your are some man to eat a starter, main course and desert in Nevilles!

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Neville’s is daycent, but 1826 is different class in my opinion

That’s my point. I was happy paying that for what I got in Nevilles, so paying slightly more for the quality of 1826 is also great value. Especially when compared to other eating options in the area.

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Top chawkes has awful grub. Corner collins is nice. I’ve come to the conclusion all grub in Charlie chawkes pubs is poor. Remember eating in searsons once and its was good but i was fairly drunk after a game.

Not to mention the fact he had fitted a new sump in the passat beforehand and washed his hands in his overalls.

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Agreed, while we’re on the subject and I know you enjoy eating around town, The Green Onion café on Rutland street is fantastic, make sure to try it out.

This is the wrong thread by the way :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Passed it a few times, menu looked expensive? €11 for a sandwich?

I’ll make a point of visiting the Philipino deli next week.

Where’s the Philippino place?

The sandwiches in Green Onion are something else