Memorable T Shirts you were once draped in

You literally couldnā€™t make it up

He thinks heā€™s savage at the Internet. Thinks heā€™s a bit of a bigshot on it. He canā€™t help himself

Concy is currently battling the queues in the social. He ā€œdeservesā€ another pair of tackies :sweat_smile:

If you had some kids that were actually your own you might understand, you septic cunt.


there are very high levels of vanity on show throughout all of @mac s posts, there always has been. the fella really is fond of himself but in fairness at least he brings his wife and kids along for the ride not like the other fella who has a framed picture of himself in his favourite def leopard tee shirt for posterity.

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:grin: concy is a gas man, a total fucking mess of a human being the way he goes on. as we were saying in pm there last week the fella would want to maybe start prioritising cleaning his gaff before he buys his next pair of shit tackies as a reward for himself. time for him to start showing a bit of leadership to his kids, give them someone and something to look up to

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He should learn how to use a iron too :smile:

An iron


I pulled this one out of the back of the wardrobe yesterday. I will be wearing it down to Super Valu later.

he should set aside 40 a week and get someone in to do a bit of a clean up and a bit of ironing

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who is this sneaky little fucker i never noticed him before

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This one gets an outing every few weeks Iā€™d say.

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Def Leopard :joy: :sweat_smile:
Fuck sake your priceless, like a bigoted old prick of an uncle, what a fucking tosser,
Def fucking Leopard :grinning:
Def Leopard love yolks :blush:
Itā€™s just so fucking easy to take the piss out of yourself and your imaginary friend, I wish ye werenā€™t such eejits so that it could be a bit of sport at least.

was it busy inside today concy?

heā€™s too self absorbed posting pictures of his shitty unironed tshirts, tackies and grub to notice the filth up around his ears, sure what would you expect from someone whoā€™d go to a funeral wearing a pair of tackies, he was obviously very badly reared by his parents

Jesus, it fucking kills you and your mate that I have a nice house and family while you have to live in a shitty bedsit with 2.99 sq yd laminate floor and a chipboard worktop and your mate pays money he cant afford for joyless sex with trafficked eastern Europeans, get over it pal, this obsession is very unhealthy.
To be honest with you mate, I say it all the time, I think youā€™re good for a laugh most of the time, youā€™re just an harmless old sort with an overactive imagination, your found out as a bullshitter 5 or 6 times a week, I have no truck with you, your pal is the biggest cunt Iā€™ve ever come across on the internet though, everybody else here seems to have interests, he is just a negative (did somebody say septic) prick who contributes nothing except rancour.


Slowly but surely you are becoming a TFKer.


Not sure if Iā€™m altogether pleased about that, Iā€™m interested in a lot of the things that are popular here, music, soccer, GAA, American sports, clothes, I hate rugby, I read this forum on and off before I joined, I knew what to expect as in the fairly gentle abuse that is commonplace. I signed up for that but donā€™t really want anything to do with it.
The cunt took an instant dislike to me and hasnā€™t wavered in his stance, carryharry was a bigger prick at the beginning but heā€™s mellowed a little. I fail to understand what joy can be gotten from acting the hard man on the Internet, we know Tassoti is just some bloke having a laugh, I assume heā€™s laughing at the other prick too, following him around and liking his y fronts.

its called GGA round these parts


You have to remember he is from cork, and they pride themselves on being odd as fuck down there, he is simply the stereotype carkie.

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