Memories of the Celtic Tiger

i blame the weather

Nah it’s the split season

The only word to describe it was debauchery. Yer man queuing for the chopper told me he was ‘doing a trade’. The thought of letting this egjit anywhere near your house is harrowing.

Deep down inside, we all knew that it was all going to go tits up eventually. There’s was loads of money that we didn’t earn or know where it came from. No social media. September All Ireland Finals. Property portfolios only four hours from Sofia. They were great days.


There was an iconic post on here about lads having a water fight building Thomond park on a Thursdays evening facing into a four day weekend.

I remember a pal of my dads constantly complaining he couldn’t get young lads to work five days a week.


This is one of the greatest ever tfk posts


I heard a good one recently about a couple of lads I went to school with. Both are qualified fitters but aside from a few handy nixers they have been doing fuck all for the past decade - typical auld village mentality corner boys.

Good friend of mine is a subbie above in intel and was badly stuck for a couple of GOs. Simply needed lads to walk beside the teleported hauling stuff up and down the site and man/move the odd barrier. So he got the two boys in. First week or two went alright.
On the Wednesday morning of week three there was no sign off the boys - calling all day and no answer from either.

He finished up for the day and arrived into one of the pubs in Newbridge where the digs are to get his dinner. The two boys half steamed are there all sheepish - my man says ye better have a good excuse or ye can fuck off back home - the story they cobbled together was that they took the wrong exit on the roundabout leaving Newbridge and went in the wrong direction and didn’t know how to get to Leixslip from that direction and sure there was fuck all else that they could do aside from finding an early house.

One of them jacked it in a couple of weeks later, said he couldn’t make any money up there and it wasn’t worth the hassle. He was getting €1100 a week between wages and lodge.


Executive Helicopters in Oranmore did some bidness back then. There were deals to be done and a lad could lose thousands by delaying things and arriving by car… take the sikorsky to fuck. Tullamore in 20 minutes a fella told me once, I never asked him what he was doing there but he was chippying in Melbourne last I heard.

Any bidness man worth his salt at the time had a driver too. I remember this wanker from around Claregalway used to have this poor square head cunt trapesing around after him in the Warrick at his beck and call until your man decided he wanted to home.

Mrs KP was telling me about the Foreign Property Expo in the RDS in 2006, it was something else… with every cunt trying to outdo each other with the biggest stand. Lads spending 50k on flashy stands to sell property off the plans in Tampa and Hungary to lads from Murtyskully.



Is Murtyskully an actual place or did you just make it up?


A builder once told me with a straight face that a helicopter crash wasn’t as straightforward as a car crash as you had to notify the Irish Aviation Authority.


You can’t buy time😂

I’m not so sure.

I don’t think most understood it.

We were coming from where the State finances were the be all and end all.

The taps were open internationally and people went crazy from about 2002 to late 2006.

Live 8 was probably the peak of Western Civilisation.

The End of History stuff from the 90s was very much the vibe, with some additional excesses following 9/11 where people felt shocked but got through it.

The story still to be written is how over the top 2008 and the collapse was globally. Bertie was right.


It’s an absolutely brilliant post

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I don’t understand any of that. I preferred the posts about murtskully and teleporters


I think it’s the plot of Succession mate

I (coincidentally?) worked in several financial institutions that subsequently collapsed in disgrace, but this was one of my weird memories of the Celtic Tiger era. I can’t recall if it was because of an IT outage or maybe the brochure template was late coming back from the designer or whatever the fuck, but everyone & I mean everyone & not just junior staff, working til all hours in Anglo the night before the 2006 Ryder Cup started. Printers whirring, pages being organised, into the machines to bind them & stick covers on them. Loads of separate little production lines in operation as these brochures needed to be ready to hand out to the VIPs flying in for the golf that weekend. Presumably to advertise property investment & other wealth management opportunities. The brochures were just one item going into the “party bags” for these invited guests/men-children…Anglo golf balls, umbrellas, ball markers, pens & all that type of shite too. I remember loading all this stuff out into the lifts & down to the lobby to be collected by a few courier vans. The gifts would have been waiting for guests at their breakfast seat in the Anglo corporate tent at The K Club. Woosie did a superb job that weekend, it has to be said.


Speaking of which

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Perhaps. And maybe I’m looking at it with the benefit of hindsight now. But what was going on was so crazy, it was like the entire country/western world was drunk. The hangover had to come at some point.