Reeling in the years

Yis would have made an iconic Minister for Finance in tandem with your Health Defence and Foreign Affairs portfolios


I’d love to have been involved in that Fianna Fail/Green government between the time of the bailout and the 2011 General Election to be fair.

It would have been class to be Minister for six portfolios.

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Unreal - fish in a barrel

  1. What we all remember from it. I inadvertently stumbled into the set for this advert on Westmoreland Street at about 7:30am on a foggy Sunday morning in October 2005 (I think it was October 2nd) when I was off me head and desperately searching for the bus home. The traffic lights were doing very strange flashing things and it didn’t help my head one bit. Still, in retrospect it was nice to be present at a moment when Irish advertising history was being literally made.

It was also used as an ad for Clare Island Pesto.

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Twas like finding money on the ground

I was working in Anglo Irish Bank in 2006 and I’ve vague recollections in Ryder Cup week of it being all hands to the pump printing, binding and packing (as opposed to shredding and binning) these brochures for distribution in the corporate tents. It wasn’t just the junior/young types like me at the time; there were all manner of senior folk involved on the production line. Presume it was to entice a little bit of property investment but I can’t quite recall.

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If you weren’t pulling an Anglo branded Titleist Pro V1 out of your golf bag in those days you were a nobody.




Boots, Liffey Valley.

I went out to Leopardstown one Sunday just to see Nickname. What a horse.

Oh it happened alright.

So you rocked up the morning of the exam with no priors and asked to do it? And they let you?

They did indeed. Apparently you think you know more than my actual iived experience of it but do go on.

I find that very hard to believe.

He identifies as someone who rocked up to an exam. Doesn’t mean he actually did it.


The lads are seething here.

Ambrose is going to take a picture of himself sitting on the loo to prove something or other to himself.

Was it home economics?

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You must have exam fees paid for and an examination number received.

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On this note I hereby propose Cheasty be known as The Customer because they are always right.
Or The Wife because they know everything.
I’m torn…answers on a postcard to PO Box TNH.

In fairness to @Cheasty he’s clearly quite intelligent and you can cram an awful lot into one days study. Fairly sure I’ve seen him mention it on here before too. I’d well believe it. It was only ordinary level after all.