Mental Health Day

Started into Narcos.

How I left it this long is a tragedy tbh.

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Gets better with each season IMO. Excellent show


So many great small characters, the Gary’s Old Towm Tavern was a storyline too that they could have beat into the ground, yet they used it perfectly sparingly.

Perfect example? Harry the Hat.

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a lot of people in Ireland at home with their head in their hands this morning, what an awful time to be alive, especially if you are a young person

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Stay strong guys.

I hope everyone is doing ok. It’s good to talk.

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Its the end of the world bro. Have a bag of chips

Zen is there for you. Seek it out.

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You don’t have to do anything. In fact the more you do the worse the outcome.


I made some pizzas for the family there… I’m doing no more.

My employer has awarded me a wellness day to use in Q1. Twill cause me stress trying to fit one in while taking my 35 days annual leave

Yes the teens and smallies are having a desperate time

Regular exercise and a proper diet, sounds simple but I can’t recommend it enough especially this time of year


The aul lad was a bit down today over the whole show. He was in town to collect his few bits & bobs and said it was like a ghost town. He missed his few regular friendly faces and chats.

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I hear you man. Its very bad for the older people. my mother had a stroke last month and was surrounded by covid in her ward and didnt catch it,very luckily

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Tough times at the moment pal, hopefully there is better days ahead later in the year.

Hang in there lads. This tyranny will end soon

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The mood of the nation must be in the toilet today. Miserable weather outside. Doom and gloom announcements later coming. No sign of an end to things. Mind yourselves lads. I never remember a day feeling as down about things as today

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What about the day you tipped a 14/1 on loser? That must have been pretty shit


I was smiling from ear to ear listening to English Mep discuss their opening dates. Talks of the national being moved to Monday so people can go to the bookies. Royal ascot being pushed out a week to accommodate a full house. Wembley being full for the euros.

Then at the end of it the Mep says if things go well these dates could be pushed forward if things go well and don’t be writing off other events just yet.

The attitude is totally different.