Mike Tyson

All I said is it’ll last longer than 4 minutes you fucking space cadet

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Stop ruining Jones v Tyson please

@EstebanSexface is morphing into an internet hardchaw lately

Nah mate, Enrique is just after turning into a fanny

6 of one, half dozen of the other

The PPV market needs mug punters to sustain it

Might have flown over your hemorrhoid head the last few years but there’s this thing called the internet and iptv

Don’t let me ruin your wetting yourself over a pillow-fight between two geriatrics

You won’t pal, don’t worry. There’s some nice boxing cards on now and mma later and then two famous old guys ‘with pillows on’ having a scrap. It’ll be enjoyable regardless of a boring, joyless cunt on the internet cliched take on it

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You actually knocked him out with that one :boxing_glove:


Finished as a draw

Tyson won handy in reality. The whole thing was just setting up for another fight

Another internet victory for @EstebanSexface

A few fellas not used to things lasting over 4 minutes

It was an exhibition. There could be no winner

There were two winners 🤼

Boxing was the real winner😁

What a fucking life… Most of it full of pain and hatred and fear. Abused and used for 40 years , hitting bottom multiple times. But he’s still standing :clap:


This is really cool,



RIP. He probably shouldn’t have raped yer wan.