Mike Tyson

I’d tend to agree, because peak foreman, the one Ali beat, was a scary dude and had the same aura of invincibility, but Tyson destroyed people so quickly and brutally, and his height was perfect for his style. You’d like to think peak Ali would have beaten him, but it’s not a sure thing I don’t think.

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Silver era

Ali hand speed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

George Plimpton described Ali’s stance as like “a man leaning out his window trying to see something on his roof.”


That’s a well past his prime Ali too

Yeah maybe. I just think he wouldn’t have been able for any of the other great heavyweights.

I do think Tyson would have destroyed Frazier though. Frazier’s overly aggressive style was tailor made for Tyson. Who knows though? Frazier was tough and had no quit. Tyson had plenty

They told me you could punch George! That all you got!

An incredible man.

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I doubt very much that Frazier at the crest of his career was taking anything approximating the volume of brain frying chemicals that Tyson was.

Joe rogans tyson podcasts are box-office

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We’ve been over this before… His problem was that he was a child emotionally. He lived a horrific childhood and never developed emotionally/ mentally. When the money and real fame came at him he wasn’t able for any of it. He literally lost his mind. He was a phenom on the way up… You could argue he never reached his peak.

Does Tyson still do his own Hot Boxin podcast?

And he had short arms

Are we talking about Mike Tyson or Mike Jackson?

Tyson was an utter scumbag including a rapist and was beaten by a nobody,

Not worth talking about,

Were they ever seen in the same place at the same time?

They would both fuck you until you loved them.

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Ali was probably the greatest showman that ever existed but he had a right nasty side to him as well. That stuff with Joe Frasier pre Manila for instance,


Thats 20 years ago, thought you were only a young chap?

Are you suggesting it’s more lies?

is Tyson dead?

No, I’m suggesting i thought @BruidheanChaorthainn was in his early 20s for some reason but obviously not.

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