Missing members

There’s no reason to doubt @gola’s actions here

If I’m right about who I think is behind this, he has form for flying halfway around the world on a deranged mission. Should @anon7035031 be worried for his safety?

The guards may need to get involved here.

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Guards have been into this for ages. Place is full of rats.

Someone just mentioned Dry July in a meeting there and it made me realise that @Fitzy hasn’t posted in a month now. Hope all is ok @Fitzy if you’re lurking.


Snap. I was just about to post that. He’s probably keeping an eye on us from quarantine. :wink:

What ever happened to @ProjectX? He had one of the best lookalikes of all time (👯‍♀️ Lookalikes Thread). I haven’t a bulls notion what’s going on on the DAX since he left.

@Directoroffootball was another lad that disappeared off the face of the earth. He used to wind @Fitzy up something awful.

What do you think and what would you change now @Tank

Same question to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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By God :open_mouth:

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I’m on holidays this weekend, I might give you my thoughts in a few days. But my theory is that Sidney is a cunt.

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Still no word from @Fitzy

@Dubhub seems to have given up the battle as well. He ran into heavy artillery on occasion tbf.


@TheBlackSpot is another one…maybe your joke will encourage them to post again

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The gardening thread is gone to hell without him sure.

Will someone check in on @Fagan_ODowd. He mentioned that he was in a hospital there, ‘transitioning’ is a footery business

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Haven’t you briars or rushes to be bothering you?. No fear of you being on the as latháir list.

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That is uncalled for.

It takes a lot more than briars and rushes to bother me. Dockens now, that’s a different story

The dub wasn’t able for this place.Im sure he’s gone to boards or Hogan stand

odysseus like, I found my way back here, only to wonder why I ever came here in the first place. I’ve been lurking since But, thank you @glenshane for remembering I was once here.

Fuck the rest of you cunts.


Welcome back pal, we need the odd orangeman to balance nordie opinion out around here.