Missing members

As the first who differed with Flatty on his view and suggested it was wrong I don’t think I said anything very strong, I certainly didn’t call him a racist, the interaction went from nought to 60 very fast.

Flatty is easily one of the soundest posters that ever graced the place and I’ve said that many times. He might come back when the hurling starts.

Been considering a step away myself. I spend too much time here and a few interactions between some other posters on here recently were fairly sour and unhealthy. This place needs sport to keep it on an even keel.


Lads love to jump in with a bit of faux moral outrage, especially when it comes to anything that can vaguely or dishonestly be cast as racism.
That’s what happened. Simple as.
I don’t know if I’m banned from the racism thread, big fucking odds if I am, but I’ve asked the question and no-one has had the balls or manners to either answer or point to whatever racism there might be.


“I hear you’re a racist now Father?”

cc @flattythehurdler

Well said


It’d be easy to say “fuck off then so” to those who see their INTERNET futures elsewhere. But then I think of Liam Griffin coaxing the likes of Tom Dempsey, Ger Cushe and Billy Byrne back into the fold in 1994-95, and the wonderful times that ensued. I think I need to reach out to some folk to ensure these TFK retirements are similarly short-lived. To anyone else thinking of leaving, imagine the gap in your life without us. Think of the “are you all set for the Christmas?” thread and you reading boards.ie on Christmas Eve instead. Please don’t do anything rash.


A quick look at the absolute dogs dinner they’ve made of Boards should be enough to dissuade anyone from making such a grievous error.


Come home @flattythehurdler


Perhaps if you did your job and censured those those who threaten to reveal the identities of poster’s dead mothers and threaten to doxx posters you might have some credibility.


Where was this?

Why do you draw all these doxxers upon yourself so frequently?

All these doxxers? There are only two posters on here who threaten to doxx people and they have a lot in common. Strangely enough you are the biggest supporter of both of them.

Can you post up where a poster named your mother, pal?

That’s nasty

Are you unable to read? Threatened to. Read back on the Corona thread to about 4 days ago.

I’m going to post a photo of your car for that, you bastard.

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So….you are crying to Rocko over an idle threat? :joy:

I haven’t complained to Rocko, but your absence of morals is noted.

I know where @TreatyStones & @KinvarasPassion live.

I know @iron_mike cars registration.

People know shit.

Calm your American tits :grinning:

I’ll upload more photos of my holidays if that helps?

Flatty used to post pictures of his holidays.

I know what you do in the evenings :rofl:

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Flatty is a good guy.

I didn’t agree with him on that topic and let him know. I thought his angle on it was very strange. But I wouldn’t want him to take my disagreement as hostility towards him from TFK. I’d get very bored on my occasional visits here if I wasn’t allowed to challenge his or anyone’s opinion. (Which is markedly different from challenging overtly racist or inflammatory posts that we’ve seen from others).

I’d like to see him return and I may even waive a month’s fees to entice him back.

Thinly veiled: did he hold me in so much esteem that he took my criticism to heart?