Missing members

You were trying to appear virtuous at his expense?

No. As a fully grown adult, I don’t place much stock in how virtuous I appear on TFK.


You told me racism was dripping from every one of my posts, then banned me when I asked for one example. Is this the policy going forward on your occasional visits?

That’s not true. You know it’s not true. We’ve been over this. This isn’t about you. Your need to be at the centre of attention is sadly misplaced here.

If you want to vent further send me a PM. I won’t bother reading or replying to it but your rage might just subside if you type out your angry words in a vacuum.


It’s always funny when @Rocko gets snarly like this


Or deletes posts he can’t respond to…

Not since the departure of @Brimmer_Bradley have I missed a poster as much as my auld epal @flattythehurdler . I have his home address (cc @carryharry ) so I might write him a letter and see how he’s getting on.


I’ll reply one final time.

I’ve already told you I’m not justifying your suspension to you again. I did so before. If you have a problem with it go find a different forum.

Your argument, to be clear, is based on the fact that some of your posts were not racist. A stupid point that doesn’t merit my time or anyone else’s time reading, never mind replying to.

I understand you are still bitter many months later about missing a few hours from posting drivel on TFK. I suggest you get over it. If you want to keep complaining about your treatment by me I’ll just remove you.

TFK isn’t free to host. My time isn’t free. You’re here on the basis I’m courteous enough to allow you to be. If you don’t like said courtesy you can leave.

And two final reminders:

1 This is nothing to do with you. You’re not the centre of my world

  1. I’m ending the conversation with you. That means it’s finished. If you want to continue to complain send me a PM or just leave. It’s really very simple.
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You said I was racist.

I said back that up.

You couldn’t, so either withdraw that if you’re man enough, or delete this post too I guess.


Sorry, pal, I’ll get to your issue in due course. I’ve been busy for the last year or so trying to resolve @glenshane ’s query as to whether he’s been banned from posting on the racism thread or not.


Maybe if we all posted our mother’s maiden names it could create a lasting peace.



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That’s a good one in fairness :clap::clap:


Phishing alert


You should have told the Examiner man where to go if you were worried about ‘doxxing’ (a new word for me)
I had the phone book out that day. That’s an unusual name

I’m very disappointed to read that @flattythehurdler has decided to potentially not post anymore. He was a grand old sort.

I completely missed Flattygate. I obviously don’t have as much idle time as you guys to peruse everything that is going on these forums all day.

I’m a big fan of @flattythehurdler and I pledge to vigorously defend his name pro bono on this forum against those allegations.

He had the perfect blend of genuine helpfulness, good nature and cynicism in life.


So I’ve been banned for the last year or two? Too bad i never posted there or I would have noticed