Missing members

Sunk in the bog whilst retrieving his stash

No offence to @myboyblue but he’s only gone a few days. If you’ve noticed he’s missing then you’re as bad as him. I knew after an hour btw.

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@Locke murdered him.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy hasn’t been seen around these parts for a while.

Must be another one of the unvaccinateds with Covid.

bad news lads, @glenshane was put on a ventilator last night, he died at 07:00 this morning


Cork getting no all stars must have put him over the edge

he was a great poster, the horse tranquilizer didn’t do him any good in the end


Just back from @glenshane 's funeral (no restrictions up North). Such a waste of a good poster, get vaccinated people.

@myboyblue is nearly sadder but he is also a stupider cunt. He was a middle-aged, overweight, heavy smoker who didn’t get vaxxed and kept it on the QT. Great guy but not very bright. I took no pleasure in fucking him out of ICU onto the street to die.

The forum unvaxxed are dropping like flies.


@glenshane was a smashing poster and a really decent fella as well


he used to destroy the covid headbangers like @Malarkey


'Twasnt the Covid that killed @glenshane , 'twas the shame. But the real shame is the person who orchestrated the doxxing of the poor man. I have a strong suspicion it was a Limerick born, Kilkenny resident, but I can’t be sure.

For shame!

The sorrowful doxxing of @glenshane

(audio file in 3 parts)

Jesus… Is he pouring cattle wormer into brassers?


She’ll swallow it for 50 :anguished:, up the bum n’all.

Could have done with subtitles

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That’s the authentic South Derry accent. @glenshane never compromised.

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I notice @iron_mike staying well away from this one.

Mike is scraping together 50 quid.


I’ve had to up the price of the roches I’m selling from the boot of the car

I’m sayin nothin boss

Fine, €2.50 for the rocher pyramid

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