Missing members

A doing like that will stick with a man

We didn’t really see eye to eye but it’s noticeable @Ashman hasnt been around in recent times.

I hope he’s ok.

@carryharry is a huge loss to the forum

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Did he suffocate up a forum member’s rectum?


Nasty stuff.

That time of year.

No excuse

He’s keeping well @Lazarus. He took to the bed for a few days after Derry re-established the natural order of things by bating the all Ireland medals out of tyrone in omagh…but young ruairi canavan has rekindled his interest in life. He’s built himself a beautiful house and is dating a tan school teacher (a union rep to boot). He asked me to pass on best wishes to the forum- apparently his disappointment at the cowardice of some is compensated for by his appreciation for those who spoke up when rocko etc came for him. His parting words were “up the rebels”


@nlgbbbblth hasnt been around for a while hss he?

Nice to see him get a mention in The Irish Times.

Love the reference to Cosy. We never thought we’d be rid of him and he went and retired just after we did the Leaving Cert. I remember having just landed in Sydney and being out drinking in the company of some fellow GCC alumni from Gusserane, so cunts obviously, when word came through that he had passed away.

General consensus was that he was a cunt to most of us but where would we have been without him.

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didnt realise niggldybbits was a GCC head too. Cozzie left after I did the Junior cert. I still always remember him giving our first year team talk up on the stage on the main school before we went down to Peters and smashed the cunts in the Keevans Cup first year blitz. The big deal he made of it and how it would set a precedent (which it actually did).

He was an awful cunt alright, and I know some people absolutely despised him, but I didnt mind him too much. Any time I got in shit with him, it was deserved, but by and large, if you played football or hurling, you were given a free pass, which helped get on with him too.

Helped to be from his neck of the woods as well on those occasions.

His sister in law taught me in 1st and 2nd class, she was an even bigger psycho.

Another GCC head here. I was in that 1987 Inter Cert class. Remember Paul English well. Only had one or two run ins with Cozzie. Definitely helped being on the hurling team.

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I find that the algorithm now prevents me from posting on the bring back fulvio thread. The algorithm seems awfully silly, petty and insecure.

I hope that @Tank fella is doing ok - regardless if he’s in ukraine or (even worse) stuck in monaghan


Is @peddlerscross okay after the limericks 3 in a row

Try and enjoy the night & log out ffs


@thelimericks are after taking over an Internet cafe on Camden St. Bag of cans


Every fucking thread about @thelimericks after probably the greatest day ever in their sporting history.

They’ll post where they want, post where they want…

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Irish Rails free WiFi. Only internet in Tipp

Drinking Clonmel Chardonnay too you fucking pleb :joy:

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