Missing People In Ireland

It seems the least improbable thing


Imagine it
Beyond hard

Could have

He seemed a harmless sort, a bit like (insert TFK posters name here), not the type of fella anyone would want to kill

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From the bank CCTV footage you could tell he had a few drinks onboard

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Could be that it matched up with someone who had already came forward but was sketchy on his recollection, with it being the festive season

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I’m not so sure lads I was watching gladiator the other night and it was like I was in Rome in 180 AD.

They can surely improve images on cameras.

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For me the most plausible is that he was knocked down by a drunk driver who then panicked.

I believe there was a taxi strike on the night so more people driving than usual.


Did this garner much publicity at the time?

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Was there a suggestion phone signal was picked up some distance away ?

Sometimes the sea gives up its dead and sometimes it doesn’t.

Think there was info he got on a bus to Galway recently

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I recall there being “information” that a chap who vanished one night in Galway about three or four years ago had been “spotted” in the days afterwards. He hadn’t been spotted, he had fallen into the river and was dead.

Sometimes people go to cliffs and throw themselves off and nobody really knows why.

Jesus Christ.

I’d have thought a panicking drunk driver would just keep going.

I’m talking about video/image resolution mate.

No you’re talking about your limited knowledge of a software development that analyses pixels frame-to-frame under various conditions to construct a better image, you just don’t realise it.

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Apologies in advance for long winded response. I had been ruminating about Trevor Deelys case previously.

Trevor went to Anchorage in Alaska to visit a girl he met the previous summer. Quite a trek to get a connecting flight to LA and another internal flight to Anchorage. Probably would have involved 5 or 6 flights in total roundtrip.

His friend (an Aer Lingus employee) was able to gift him or cover the cost of some of the flight for free due to employee benefit scheme for friends and family. He was obviously head over heels for this girl who even though he met only fleetingly, maintained contact for a year afterwards. Its hard to know if it was an impromptu visit or an invitation was extended but there is little detail available here that might shine a light on his state of mind. I think he was quite cloak and dagger about the visit with certain people, family etc as he wasn’t sure of his motives and uncertainty around the outcome.

Was it a successful visit in terms of him building a relationship with this girl or was he rejected and let down gently. His actions speak of someone who may suffer from limerence, and someone who probably had an unhealthy obsession with this girl. She became the be all and end all and its conceivable his whole world fell apart on that trip. Again it is quite a leap on my part but someone who goes to those lengths to see someone they hardly knew does give off the hall marks of limerence.

When he came back there was some detail on how he was very weary and jetlagged. Instead of going back to his apartment in Ballsbridge he went back to the family home perhaps to feel warmth and comfort of the family home. His mother had a steak dinner cooked for him. He described all the things he had seen on his trip which might indicate that he was at a loose end to do more sightseeing as an independent solo traveller as opposed to with this girl he was chasing. I’m only speculating of course. I’m sure guards would have followed direct line of enquiries with this girl or even travelled over to see her to ascertain his state of mind as she could have been someone who spent most time engaged with him in the hours and days up to his disappearance. His father was rushing out the door to a meeting so would have missed chance to properly talk to his son. I think he was pretty low to be honest. A Christmas work night out followed by drink at Leeson St at a free bar would not have helped matters.

I think it is likely he called into work to check emails to see if there was any direct correspondence from the girl in Anchorage. Email would probably have been preferred mode of contact between people in different countries in early noughties in absence of whatsapp, smart phones etc. He could have sent an email early morning or when he was clocking off by which time on pacific coast with 9hr time differential she wouldn’t have seen it. So he probably went to that office at that hour to see had he got a reply from her. Again only surmising. Actually come to think of it it probably was only reason. Looking for an umbrella etc probably an alibi to his colleague Trevor who was also there at the time. There are many theories floating around. Its not totally beyond the bounds that he could have decided , wrongly, that life wasn’t worth living and he couldn’t go on, with this feeling amplified by drink and perhaps no email response. The trip home previously have been a crestfallen one in which he may have been grappling with conflicting emotions at that time.


My thoughts were it was a planned suicide. He took several unusual steps to ensure people expected to see Him in work tomorrow.

But if was a suicide where would he have gone to carry it out and not be found or traced to the spot by CCTV or something else?

If he went to the Liffey in a central part of Dublin surely there would be CCTV footage? Also it would very likely that a body would found in such an occurrence.

The only place I could think of is if he walked down Bath Avenue or some of the back roads through Sandymount which mightn’t have had CCTV and threw himself into the Liffey near the South Wall.

Even at that there would be a very good chance of the body being found, either sooner or eventually.