Missing People In Ireland

Whatever happened is something which would be considered very unlikely one way or the other under normal circumstances, and these were normal circumstances

A drunk driver retrieving a body from a road and disposing of it doesn’t seem a mundane or particularly plausible scenario. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible but it doesn’t seem particularly likely.

Falling into the Dodder is certainly plausible but no body ever being recovered or spotted still seems unlikely because of the populated nature of the river’s surrounds, though because of the proximity to the sea, not impossible. But my bet is that if somebody entered the river at Ballsbridge, there would be a good chance they would not wash into the sea, or it would take quite some time for them to wash into the sea. The Dodder even at its most angry is not exactly the Corrib.

I recall people saying that Nicola Bulley may have washed into the sea but she was found about one mile from where she disappeared. The distance from the Dodder bridge at Ballsbridge to the Liffey is about 2km.

But to get from the bridge at Baggot Street to the Dodder at Ballsbridge, you would expect there would be CCTV footage if somebody walked that way.

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I think people over-estimate the prevalence of CCTV at that time, it would be way back from what we have now


I don’t know about that. December 2000 was not some backward time. Plus the area between Baggot Street bridge and the Dodder Bridge at Ballsbridge would I imagine have been one of the most heavily CCTVed areas in Dublin, containing several pubs, office blocks, hotels and the American embassy and the Israeli embassy as well being one of the main traffic routes into Dublin from the southside.

I was working in the D4 area not far from there from 2001 and I can assure you that external CCTV on the likes of pubs and hotels and office blocks wasn’t that widespread, nowhere near what it would be now


If CCTV was as plentiful as that at the time then it points to him standing still on Haddington Road.


Do we have a full list of CCTV sightings? Where exactly was the last point he was sighted? Haddington Road was it? What part?

That is a good angle.

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3 parter here from Rosita Boland a few years back that goes into the Alaska trip in a bit more detail.


Trevor Deely was last seen on CCTV passing the Bank of Ireland ATM on Haddington Road in Dublin at approximately 4.14am on 8 December 2000.

That ATM was just there at the bridge over the canal at Baggot Street, yes?

I’m sure it must have been established by Gardai how much money he took out? Or did he even use the ATM?

Is it believed he could have taken a taxi somewhere? Edit: there was a taxi strike.

And it was a few days before they looked for it. Often it was taped over.

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I also read a us president was about on the Monday so the place was cleaned up too so vital evidence could have been destroyed.

I don’t think he withdrew any money, he just walked past it in the Northumberland Road direction; he wasn’t really going the right direction if he was heading home. I believe he lived somewhere near Serpentine Avenue

Baggot Street would be the most direct route to Serpentine Avenue alright but neither would it be much of a diversion to go by Haddington Road.

He didn’t take any out then. He just passed it. He took money out earlier.

His route made no sense given where he lived so the possibilities on why are;

  1. innocuous visit to Spar Bath Avenue
  2. he was heading up that way for some late night business
  3. he was planning to disappear himself
  4. he was trying to throw the scent off someone he believed was following him

The Irish Times article quoted a few posts back goes into the whole thing in detail in terms of why he may have gone that way. You should read if to catch up on the case.

What was the lead that led to the Garda dig out between Chapelizod and Palmerstown a few years back?

Someone came forward. Possibly a prostitute. Claimed she saw Trevor getting shot by her pimp and buried in Chapelizod.

Not the most reliable witness most probably,


Was that a 24 hour shop at the time?

There’s a petrol station on Northumberland Road near big traffic junction near the Berkeley Court which is another possibility why you might walk that way if you wanted to buy a packet of Tayto or packet of smokes.

Foul play, that he was either followed by somebody dodgy or got into an argument on the street or got into a car with the wrong person definitely seems the most likely to me.


Could he have been thinking of heading for an early house somewhere down by Ringsend?

Surely there was loads more early houses open back then down there?