Missing People In Ireland

He took the umbrella though and had it up as he walked by the camera on Haddington Road.

Would he do that if he was planning something else?


Don’t remember that case at all

Umbrella also never found.

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That all seems so unlikely. Seems like such a length to go to to attack/kill a fairly harmless fella. But the lack of a body makes it possible I guess.

Maybe Trevor is in Alaska now. On a ranch. Not missing Ireland or his job in a bank at all. I like to think he is

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In fairness it could easily have been thrown into a bin without someone knowing the significance of it

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This is a case in which all possible scenarios are unlikely ones. Foul play seems like the least unlikely unlikely scenario.

My ‘out there’ possibility is that the guy who talked to him and was waiting at the gate who to this day remains unidentified, was his drug dealer or a guy he used drugs with. Maybe coke or heroin. He goes in to his colleague. They do a few quick lines perhaps, but this never comes out because it would ruin the colleague’s career. It would explain the ridiculous claim that he was checking emails, in his inebriated state after a Christmas party in Coppers and Buck Whaleys with most likely free booze. Trevor leaves the workplace, catches up with the dealer or fellow user and off they head to a session house, or brothel in the locality. Trevor dies of an overdose, or in a drug fueled paranoid row, and the body is disposed of, for fear of incrimination. Now, this is probably not what happened, but it’s as weird as I can stretch it with logic and experience.
The canal was an odd spot. I spent quite a bit of time down there after sessions in the city centre, frequenting streetwalkers way back in the day. There was one night, after a session in Temple Bar, I said goodbye to my housemates, and friends and sneaked down. I was walking along and there was this gorgeous young blond, which was rare as the high end chicks wouldn’t work the canal. She asked me if I wanted to go back to her place. I enquired about the cost, and she said free. Herself and her bf had been using drugs (turned out to be heroin) and it rendered him sexually unable to function and he was cool with her sleeping with another guy as long as he could watch. Long story short, I ended up using heroin for the first time, and ended up being as sexually aroused and capable as her bf. The canal was a weird place, full of weird nightcrawlers. A lot went on around that Baggot St bridge general area. There was money to be made there, and it was frequented by a lot of people with a diverse array of vulnerabilities. There’s one thing I’d be fairly certain of. Deely isn’t living in Goa or Alaska under an assumed name. He drowned, whether it be by accident or on purpose, died by way of drugs, or at the hand of someone else.


It could have, but it’s a consideration.


Yep.I was 16/17 at the time.Ill never forget the demeanour of him when he was lighting his cigarette.

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They would have rodgered the shite out of you


With the benefit of time and experience,Id say I would have considered myself lucky if thats all I got.

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The country fellas on the forum will love that tall tale.


Thanks for sharing, I’ve read a few articles over the years but not that one I think, gives a lot more context to some of his movements.

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Some TFK internet sleuthing. Deely was last seen turning left onto Haddington Road at the Baggot St Bridge. He lived in the Renoir complex, St James Court. If you look at the map, it seems an unnecessary turn. Exhibit 2 is a screenshot of a recent Reddit comment regarding a possible missed lead in the investigation.


I see that @Cheasty bollix liked that.Noted.

Probably some seminarians out of St Patrick’s college masquerading as something else and looking for a victim

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If you can’t take it, mate…


I was walking down the canal to a party in bath avenue around the turn of the century and have to say I was surprised with the amount of urchins about . It was a weird stretch . Every breed of mongrel was hanging about in the shadows of the trees.