Missing People In Ireland

I owned and worked in an adult shop many years ago. We had a customer called ‘Pregnant Paul’. He’d only buy dvds featuring heavily pregnant women, and he’d seen them all. One day, in an attempt to cross-sell, I offered him something from another category and he had zero interest. I quizzed him on the pregnancy kink and he explained that he lost his virginity to a heavily pregnant prostitute on the canal when he was a young lad, and nothing else got him aroused sufficiently since.


Wow. Youve had some super stories of late.

There used to be an ebony/Aborigine pro hanging round down there back then. You’d always see her about the area .

The pepper canister was a regular spot for some of them. Benburb St also, until the red line LUAS went into operation. I remember reading a good book years ago by Lyn Madden, which gave a glimpse into the life. She was pimped the husband of the woman who runs Strings on Leeson St, who has spent an age in jail for a triple murder.


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Are you @Tank or @Tank’s brother?

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A retired man was telling me that he worked for the P&T in Dublin years ago. They were laying new poles around Benburb Street. He was directing traffic which meant that many cars were directed towards the Benburb Street area. After a few hours one of the ladies came up to and thanked him sincerely for his help in directing more than usual traffic towards the red light area.


I’m beginning to think I should get hopper back to the safety of greater Manchester

Is there any sign of @Ambrose_McNulty

Everyone in this life has stories to tell.

I remember reading Lugs Brannigan was gifted a Waterford Glass and cutlery set from a grouping of local sex workers, upon his retirement. He must have shown them more compassion than he did the gurriers of the district.

Apparently Lugs was very loose with the fists with young lads but was meant to look after the Pros and also used to dish out hidings to lads hitting their wives.

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By God, you’ve got some interesting ones though.

Your life seems a bit calmer these days?

Yeah, he was very oldskool, for a time when it was acceptable to be so. He’d be shot dead in today’s age. The scarceness of illegally held short firearms as well as it being the days before cocaine flooded the country kept him breathing.

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The Lugs Wikipedia page is a good auld read.

Commenting in court after one notorious incident when a criminal bit him on the bottom during an arrest, he referred to the then-current allegations of cannibalism by the Baluba people during the Niemba Ambush in Congo, saying “He was worse than the Balubas. At least they cook you first.”[5] He was reprimanded by the Gardaí for the remark.[1]

A friend of mine had uncles who were in guards with him. I think he got a rake of stories from them recently at a funeral


Yes, and I’m grateful for it. The imbalances in my brain’s ability to produce serotonin and dopamine had me on a relentless pursuit of pleasure at any cost for almost two decades. A lot was lost in the process, but thankfully entered calmer waters when I got into recovery from addiction, and then letting the professionals figure out what was driving the behaviour, and then treating that.

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Fair play to you. Much respect.

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Agreed. But most of us didnt own porn shops. Maybe one or two of the Cork lads.

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It was unplanned. A childhood friend of mine who I lived with on and off in Dublin co-owned it. I did a stint in NY, and on my return he announced he wanted to sell his share because he fell in love with some woman on the internet in Holland. Keep in mind, this was circa 2007. I worked in it for free for a week or so to see how it felt, and can still remember the shame/guilt/embarrassment/nervousness that was a hangover from a strict catholic upbringing. The arse fell out of the economy about a year after I bought it, and my cocaine habit was hitting unmanageable levels, so I sold up and headed for Australia. I worked in one there for a year, after the building work dried up in Sydney.


Ah here. So they had a statement from him all along.

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