Missing People In Ireland

Fifth anniversary of the Icelandic who went missing in Dublin? The big question in my head is, Who, on a foreign fucking holiday leaves the hotel without your phone AND wallet? He brought his keycard, and by the looks of the still of his last known sighting, cigarettes.

Here are my crackpot theories:
(i) He decided to commit suicide, whether it was from an argument with the travelling fiancé or gambling of money he shouldn’t have.
(ii) He was meeting international criminal elements that are based in Dublin and he was told to leave his phone behind. Murdered over an unpaid debt.


So no phone meant he didn’t want his whereabouts to be tracked. No wallet meant he didn’t want whoever he met to know his true identity and/or force him to take more money out. Knocking shop or shooting gallery, pick your poison.

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His phone could have just been charging.

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I’m not familiar with that part of Dublin. It seems weird if they’re searching it on the back of a tip-off. Not exactly the Dublin mountains, or somewhere one would generally associate with high crime levels in the capital. A tip-off wouldn’t really suggest an accidental drowning in a body of water. It could be someone trying to throw gardai off the scent or a crackpot wasting their resources.

It’s a gorgeous park but actually very quiet. Feels quite sealed off when you’re in there. And with lots of places to hide a body i suppose.

An odd case. It must be a nightmare for a family to have someone missing for that long a time, and presumed dead with no body to bury. Always that torturous glimmer of hope, I’d imagine.

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Is that the church by Dennehy’s Cross?

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I see the Gardai have basically named who they believe killed Annie McCarrick.

An ex-boyfriend who has previously been questioned. He’s named elsewhere.


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Alan Bailey :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

That fella thought she was killed by the Ra.

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Brother Hilary?
The timeline from when she got bus up to Johnjy Foxes never made sense to me. Those lost few hours. She was apparently seen in there by a doorman but maybe those claims are bogus now and threw the Garda case askew.

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What do you think happened ? You have followed a lot of these cases

An ex boyfriend of Anne McCarrick wax pointed out to me years ago in a bar in County Meath,

He had a very sinister vibe to him and I declared him guilty on the spot.


Someone she knew.


And you didn’t report this to AGS?

You’re as bad as the rest of them.

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I know Eddie from the sales and going racing. He’s one sound chap.

Fingers crossed.

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And just like that a body was recovered.