Missing People Outside of Ireland

Used to be hopping 2005 to 2010 direction.

The missing lad’s photo has him in a Moncler jacket.

Drug dealer’s uniform.

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I saw a funny Tweet which I can’t find now with someone suggesting he walked too far and ended up in Elevenarife. :crazy_face:


A bit of a cuntish act by sky ?

could be the cops using the media


This seems too obvious

I see they’ve called off the search.

What’s the theory on what happened? I haven’t been following it really but looks as if he never left that house and tried to “walk home”.

Pretty sure he was seen by and spoke to independent locals in the village. He asked them about bus times.

He was at the bus stop. I’d say he just walked. Made a phone call to a friend.

Did he use the 50/50 option, I wonder?

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It’s really resonated with me. Is there anything worse after a rave and the sun is coming up and you’re just waiting for your bed. Meeting people going back to work. It’s the worse feeling in the world.

I’d be amazed if he didn’t just die trying to walk home through that desert.

It’s a rough one.

His decision making let him down.

Most likely he lost out in a game of fastest finger first.

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According to this he rang a friend and told her he was lost and his battery was low. I’m surprised they can’t tell where the call was made from.

I’ve hiked a bit around Tenerife that part. It’s very big, very barren in spots, and he could so easily be not found for months.

Surely the dogs would have sniffed him out if he was inland. He must have fallen into the sea.

The entire island is the size of county Offaly

It’s about twice the size of the entirety of the peak district, with mountains of 3000m.
The peak district has about 20 million visitors a year, is relatively flat and benign, yet people go missing and die there.
That part of Tenerife on foot is huge, can be roasting or freezing, and has swathes completely inhospitable.
Someone gets lost and dies every five years or so doing a fell race in England.
But you’re the expert as always.