More Rugby Shame

will the players bonuses from the approx 5m earned this summer by the hoops be taxed mate?

Iā€™d imagine so, if not income tax then excise duty on the fags and booze will see it returned to the exchequer.

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when man city bid 10m for Ferizaj next summer- will his signing fee be taxed?

The biggest issue with Ireland is our linear housing plan. Not only did it absolutely destroy the countryside and our water it meant all our jobs are based in a small couple of urban hubs where everything costs a fortune.

If only we built houses on the edge of towns and villages and not a long country lane where lads spend their days mowing lawns the size of fields things wouldnā€™t be so expensive in Dublin for everybody as Industries and businesses would be more spread out.

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The tax scheme for artists has been radically cut AFAIK

In France I think renters have serious rights. Iā€™m nearly sure down south in some counties or whatever itā€™s called in France the owner canā€™t even evict tenants if they sell the property. I think Irish people got caught in the past buying property out there.

In Paris a lot of people just rent. A family would live in rented accommodation and when the kids were old enough to move out the parents would down size. It seems a great system to me.

Exactly this. The problem with Ireland in a nutshell. No matter how wealthy we get, it all ends up in the fcuking property system, and for every winner there, thereā€™s a loser.

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Iā€™d agree, but it should be capped for artists and writers. Their career has no time limit as such.

Chortle chortle.

Given Charlie McCreevy, then TD for Kildare, brought it in itā€™s no mystery.

I brought the Mrs out to Punchestown for the covid vaccination recently and itā€™s some size of spot. Am I right in thinking thereā€™s only one meeting there a year?

Absolutely no excuse

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Its the biggest disgrace carried out by the state in this country, and thats some doing.

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Not a racing fan but seems to be more scheduled per this

Was at the Sunday market pre-Covid - some size.

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I think there are at least two meetings. I was at one around winter time, the time Ruby Walsh broke his shoulder or something on a fall, one of his last horse racing injuries I think.

Happy to give that the number 10.

Iā€™d agree on this point completely. Property is a relatively simple investment to understand so maybe thatā€™s what makes it attractive I donā€™t knowā€¦ But so many people invest in property ahead of pension its bananas. Easier bet someone elseā€™s money on property too I suppose

I live in Kildare. My local has three Sky boxes and two of them are taken up with racing any time I am in. They go on until around 9pm during the summer, seven days a week. Fellas in there glued to it.

Investment returns in other areas taxed to the high heavens with CGTbeing realised annually that many just donā€™t see the value in investing there.