More Rugby Shame

No but he got it from a DM and WhatsApp gossip. I think that’s more where people were coming from when slagging Ewan. That’s his story of the year and every Group message in the country had it beforehand.

Any judge will laugh off the SOB incident when they think back to their rugger days as young up and coming legal eagles. They’ll be thinking about some other high flying judge who rubbed his langer off their face while they were asleep.


Only last weekend

Ewan was the only one (journalist) brave enough to air it on his twitter. Ewan’s a motherfucking hero.

Serious public service done by Ewan tbf. Imagine if we hadnt known of this crime. Cant wait til he does the big reveal around the corruption endemic in the Irish media. Will be epic

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:poop: :nose:

The tullow tinker

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The tullow tinkler


SOB being hung out to dry by the IRFU in order to hide the real scandal in Irish rugby from getting out. For another few weeks at least.

What’s that? Calling more English and South Africa lads in for the world Cup squad?

The IRFU and Leinster are investigating two alleged incidents in the aftermath of the province’s Guinness Pro14 title win last weekend which left an academy player hospitalised and another player the subject of widespread ridicule on social media.

“The IRFU is aware of alleged incidents involving two Leinster based players,” a spokesman told the Sunday Independent. “While we are unable to comment specifically on these allegations we can confirm that we are liaising with Leinster Rugby to ascertain the facts around the incidents.”

In the first incident, on Saturday night/Sunday morning, a player from the Leinster Academy was taken to St Vincent’s hospital where he underwent a brain scan after allegedly being knocked unconscious with a punch from a former Leinster player who is no longer employed by the province.

The player was treated at the scene by a Leinster doctor.

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Wouldn’t your heart go out to the poor old divil all the same?

Media witch hunt.

If a man can’t go out and have a few pints in peace, while urinating on unsuspecting strangers, then what’s the world coming to.

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That the way it’s gone now I suppose.

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When you find out from your sources the name of the ex Leinster player involved in the alleged punch I’ll take a PM please.

I’ll hazard a guess it’s a person not long retired and still pally with the current players.

I’d love if it was that holier-than-thou prick BOD.

I’ll make a few enquiries after my trip to Waterford.

Which reminds me, I better get up. :grimacing:


Such an oul gossip

V quiet on all the unrest and shenanigans in the Limerick camp then

Typical angry response you’d expect from the rugby set.

Please don’t piss on anyone or punch any youngsters today.

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Typical sweep sweepery from yourself

If you wernt crying your manc eyes out last nt youd have seen me condemn the pissing in strongest possible terms

Stand Up and Piss (just not on strangers in public houses)