More shame for the travelling community

Ya, when a group of travellers leave the pub you will notice nearly all the drinks are unfinished.
A traveller told me before “that’s the hangover in the bottom”


[quote=“The Dunph, post: 568265”]



[quote=“The Dunph, post: 568265”]Simpletons.

[quote=“Rintintin, post: 568266”]Correct

Harsh. I’m sure they were only speaking to The Runt briefly.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 568267”]

Harsh. I’m sure they were only speaking to The Runt briefly.[/quote]

Terrible effort at banter here Bandy.

[quote=“Rintintin, post: 568268”]

Terrible effort at banter here Bandy.[/quote]

Bando hasn’t been the same since he started Internet stalking me.

Look, at least we agree on Game of Thrones.

You’ve mentioned this a bit since Wranglergate. I find it rather odd but carry on.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 568270”]

Look, at least we agree on Game of Thrones.

You’ve mentioned this a bit since Wranglergate. I find it rather odd but carry on.[/quote]

We agree on lots of things, we are internet buddys. It’s not healthy to agree on everything though.

[quote=“Rintintin, post: 568271”]

We agree on lots of things, we are internet buddys. It’s not healthy to agree on everything though.[/quote]

That’s why our internet relationship stays so fresh. We’re constantly evolving and challenging each other.

Cue Mac with 100+ old posts where Bandage and RTT have agreed with each other.

One of these fellas will be carrying the olympic torch while its passing through Dublin. Insert joke here.

As long as he keeps it away from sand we won’t be disgraced.

A little reminder here for a long list of people I don’t expect to be giving any praise or support for John Joe Nevin - a thoroughly alright sort if ever there was one.

But there are unfortunately so many small minded people in this country who will repeat ad nauseum that they’re fully entitled to judge every traveller by the few they’ve met (or the stories they’ve heard) and that these generalisations are fair and reasonable.


If people don’t see the example of Nevin as a means for opening their minds then I despair.

He’s only one guy but the entire problem with prejudice is that people won’t and don’t judge individuals. I’d be delighted if the likes of MBB is roaring Nevin on to victory in his next fight but I’d hope he’d have the good grace to come on here and admit he was wrong. Or more importantly I’d hope he’d have the good grace to actually change his mind about judging people by stereotypes and by his perception of a few.

I’ve said it before and maybe it sounds ridiculous but I firmly believe that in years to come we’ll look back on how Irish people treated travellers and be ashamed.

You have that the wrong way round rocko,btw i hope nevin wins

How many travellers do you know rocko? How many did you go to school with?

I’ll be cheering on Nevin but it won’t change years of distrust built from personal experience not prejudice.

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 568280”]

How many travellers do you know rocko? How many did you go to school with?

I’ll be cheering on Nevin but it won’t change years of distrust built from personal experience not prejudice.[/quote]

Don’t know of any in my school. Worked with a few lads in Germany and had a few drinks with them St weekends. Sound enough lads but a bit too keen on drink and drugs for me.

But they were the guys I met. I’m sure there are worse and I don’t deny that. I do have a problem with people judging them as “all the same” and “I’ve met enough to know what they’re like.” They don’t have it easy growing up. I’ve met scumbags from all sorts of places but I don’t think everyone from there is a scumbag.

I think Irish society doesn’t deal at all well with travellers and I don’t think some travellers deal well with Irish society. But it’s our responsibility to treat people fairly, not to generalise and discriminate. And this board reflects a viewpoint in Ireland that surprised me and disappoints me. And I’d like to think that people would see the good in Nevin and maybe challenge their assumptions as a result. You can dismiss him as an exception but I look at him as a guy who got a chance. And not many from his background got many fair chances. But he shows another side to travellers. And I’d hope that would go some way to changing perceptions in this country.


Well i did go to school with a few travellers and over the course of a few weeks loads of gear started going missing from peoples bags they had left in the gym and locker room. Everyone was saying it was the traveller lads that were doing it but you would have to be careful about casting aspersions or people suggesting they were an easy target. Anyway suspicions were confirmed when an investigation was carried out and proof provided that they were behind it. I had a lovely new adidas jacket with stripes stolen during their spree.

I have given travellers enough chances now and that is only one example. I don’t have any time for them and they only have themselves to blame. And they love playing the discrimated against isolated minority of society card.

We also had some lovely flower pots at home that were stolen one night. Anyway i got a tip off that a certain traveller family had taken them. This was years ago but i was in the car with the mother one day at the time and told her drive out there. We drove past and i could see the flower pots outside their house (they were newly settled travellers). I wanted to go back there in the dead of the night and take them back but the house was in from the road and in a quiet area plus this particular family were pure scum. To this day they still have our flower pots on show out the front of their house.