More shame for the travelling community

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 568403”]

Are you going to elaborate on your new man friend? Or keep teasing us with little snippets ? Can we expect ‘Traveller A’ to take part in some zaney whacky Runt and RTT type adventures ?[/quote]

No travellers are there just for our amusement , just like those dwarfs you can hire out for a stag party.

And how would you know? They don’t ride felllas from non traveller backgrounds.*

[size=2]*Except one former Irish soccer international who played in England for years and is now retired[/size]. :ph34r:

The english (Irish origin) settled variety do!

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 568406”]

The english (Irish origin) settled variety do![/quote]
Dems not rale travallers boss.

Half breed traveller women are a great ride.

Says who?

I do, The Dunph.

What do you reckon WTB?

Is there definitely high rates of traveller crime? Not saying there wouldn’t be but is there figures to back it up? I’d suspect they get blamed for an awful lot of robberies etc that could very easily be carried out by non travelling community scumbags. There’s a fair amount of them out there too but almost every unsolved crime is blamed on the travellers.



To be honest I’d be on yourself and Rocko’s side of the debate but I really wouldn’t take the opinions of fellas from middle class north county dublin hugely seriously when it comes to travellers.

That’s not very true now is it

I meant petty crime. If ever a shed is broken into or the likes on my road the ‘knackers’ are automatically blamed with absolutely no proof. It could just as easily be thieves from the settled community yet the conclusion is always jumped to.

In rural areas probably, not in the cities though

A mud hut with a shed!?

I live in the city. Was surprised myself but three different people said it to me on the road after a couple of sheds were broken into. this is despite never seeing any travellers in the area myself. All this just builds up a general perception and feeds the idea that they are committing crime left right and centre. It almost becomes fact that they’ve done the crime even though no one has absolutely any clue who did.

Would actually love to see figures on it for Ireland because the way some lads are going on here they are responsible for the vast majority of crime in the country. I doubt that is true and would love to see if the crime rate among them is higher than for other lower socio economic demographics.

doubt you would have any accurate figures though. As you said, you’re basing some of your point on people talking about unsolved crimes. some of the alledged criminality of travellers quite often isnt even reported as it would be pointless.

Bullshit its always blamed on travellers, its usually blamed on then when its obvious it was them, but there’s plenty of scum around the country to blame, not just travellers. For example there was a spurt of crime around our place and it turned out to be a gang from Dublin operating out of the area.

However, when there’s knakcers knocking around, safe to say you’d be as well to tied everything down.

I think it’s blamed on them when it’s not obvious it’s them too. There was certainly absolutely no evidence in the case I’m on about anyway. I’d be fairly certain travellers were being blamed for that crime spurt you’re on about too before the gang from Dublin was caught. If they hadn’t caught or identified them it would still be the travellers getting the blame to this day and all that builds up.

Ya there was a spate of robberies around our way and the travellers were getting the blame. Then one night one of the local farmers heard noise out in the yard. He went down to examine it, armed with a broken handle off a shovel. Opened the door of the shed, and there was two local travellers in the shed. He broke one of their jaws with the handle and held him down until the law arrived.

As it turns out the Dubs were settled travellers so everyone was a winner.