More shame for the travelling community

True enough, but the travelers are not claiming land and most people’s issue seems to be with them abusing the laws of Ireland but living off certain allowances.
I just think if there is a culture, recognize it.
Do you not think it’s wrong they don’t pay tax?
There are solutions and remedies, people just need to be willing to look for them and accept them.

Btw they are taking any left given back, back again, from the Aboriginals. Well, they are stealing it basically.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 928185, member: 273”]I think they should be signed up to a special status. They declare themselves as gypsies, but by doing so they give up the right to any state allowance. Then they only have to abide by laws that affect the rest if us. As in if they disrupt any of the “citizens” civil liberties then they are punishable by Irish laws. If they decide to just but and sell scrap etc and people pay them cash for items or sell them whatever then that’s fair game. And if they can live that way then they are entitled to live their itinerant lifestyle. If you came down hard in iffenders you would sort out who really wants the lifestyle and who wants to hide behind it to be a criminal. But if you put an ultimatum to them and the cops then in turn deal correctly with any subsequent law infringements you’d clean up alit if it over time.

The Infians in America have carved out something to cling onto in terms of tradition. There are clear abuses of their allowances, but they have something. Similar solutions are possible in Ireland with the Travellers and here in Oz with the indigenous[/QUOTE]

So that’s where in your opinion the majority of them are financing their lavish luxuries from? Where are they getting scrap by the way??? What do you mean by scrap?? As in metal, pipe etc? They would want to be turning over an incredible amount to justify their spends.

There needs to be a thorough investigation into these clients.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 928193, member: 2269”]So that’s where in your opinion the majority of them are financing their lavish luxuries from? Where are they getting scrap by the way??? What do you mean by scrap?? As in metal, pipe etc? They would want to be turning over an incredible amount to justify their spends.

There needs to be a thorough investigation into these clients.[/QUOTE]
Everything that has gone wrong in the country in the last decade and this stupid wanker wants an investigation into who? The travellers! FFS! :smiley:

You need to look at it in context though. And take stock of the relatively high proportion of troublesome ones. Travellers number roughly 30,000 in Ireland. Now, for such a relatively small group, they cause an inordinate amount of trouble. There are about ten times as many Polish people in the country as there are Travellers, yet I would be willing to bet you all the tea in china that crime levels amongst travellers are much higher than they are for the Polish community. And ditto for the Chinese, Nigerian and Baltic state communities.

I’ll put it to you like this - in the off licence I work in, I’ve had to bar roughly 5 Travellers in the last two weeks. I haven’t barred any settled person in the same time. In fact since the start of the year, we’ve had to bar only 1 settled person from the premises. 10-15% of our Traveller customers have been told not to come back due to theft or abusive behaviour. If they’re not trying to steal pallets from out the back, they’re at distraction thefts. If we had to bar the same percentage of our settled customers, we might as well shut up shop.

30,000 population, yet rates of crime way out of proportion with their numbers. Yes many of them are well behaved, I won’t deny it. But there are almost as many again who are pure trouble. I say it as I see it.

What percentage of them are in prison renton/glasban

I genuinely think someone in government needs to publish stats on traveller poverty, employment and crime. Otherwise all this is just pure speculation and hearsay.
They definitely SEEM to have much higher levels of crime etc but this could be due to our prejudice, might not be either. Would be interesting to see statistics on them in relation to the lowest socio economic groups in the settled community for instance.

Old people are being terrorrised in their homes in rural areas, this is happening, now. Just because of other things that took place doesn’t mean this can be let go uninvestigated. There is a huge problem in rural Ireland with crime and attacks in the home, they are targetting the old and vulnerable, and they are invariably travellers. This is happening.

And it’s not just travellers carrying them out.

The vast majority are. Look at the local regional papers, see the court cases, see who are being tried for these crimes.

The other morning a brand new looking white Ford Transit drove passed me with some loud looking raw individuals in it. The registration was 141 T …

These dopes were up to something

It isn’t “invariably travellers”. It’s often locals and there have been many reports of gangs from Dublin spending days down country scouting and raiding houses.

Yes it is.

Bigot. Idiot. Fuck off.

The response of one who is beaten. I always thought there was a bit of a campfire smell off you to be honest. Explains quite a lot.

There’s no filth like knacker filth it seems.

The grim details of olympic silver medalist John Joe Nevin’s injury was revealed today by his trainer Brian Mc Keown, who was the first person to be contacted by the boxer after the incident.

“He told me that he had been attacked and that his leg had been broken. The bone was sticking out of his leg at that stage. It was an awful happening.”

The Mullingar local faces several months out from his burgeoning professional career after an assault on saturday night which left him with a horrific leg injury.

Nevin, was reportedly attempting to play mediator in a dispute involving extended members of his family when things took a decidedly gruesome turn.

Weaponry was reportedly used in the attack on the Irish boxing champion, though trainer Mc Keown refused to confirm whether a stick with nails was used on Nevin.

[INDENT]“It’s a major setback but unfortunately there’s nothing we can do about it, except battle on and try to pull the lad through it and get him back into a mode where he’s fit to box again.”

[QUOTE=“Gary Birtles Lovechild, post: 928201, member: 2585”]You need to look at it in context though. And take stock of the relatively high proportion of troublesome ones. Travellers number roughly 30,000 in Ireland. Now, for such a relatively small group, they cause an inordinate amount of trouble. There are about ten times as many Polish people in the country as there are Travellers, yet I would be willing to bet you all the tea in china that crime levels amongst travellers are much higher than they are for the Polish community. And ditto for the Chinese, Nigerian and Baltic state communities.

I’ll put it to you like this - in the off licence I work in, I’ve had to bar roughly 5 Travellers in the last two weeks. I haven’t barred any settled person in the same time. In fact since the start of the year, we’ve had to bar only 1 settled person from the premises. 10-15% of our Traveller customers have been told not to come back due to theft or abusive behaviour. If they’re not trying to steal pallets from out the back, they’re at distraction thefts. If we had to bar the same percentage of our settled customers, we might as well shut up shop.

30,000 population, yet rates of crime way out of proportion with their numbers. Yes many of them are well behaved, I won’t deny it. But there are almost as many again who are pure trouble. I say it as I see it.[/QUOTE]

those squared head polak fucks arent discriminated against like the travellers are, stupid point

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 928193, member: 2269”]So that’s where in your opinion the majority of them are financing their lavish luxuries from? Where are they getting scrap by the way??? What do you mean by scrap?? As in metal, pipe etc? They would want to be turning over an incredible amount to justify their spends.

There needs to be a thorough investigation into these clients.[/QUOTE]
Do you just want to throw them all in jail, just on suspicion? Cos that’s what you are getting at!
That sir is out and out racism and apartheid, no better than the treatment of the Indians, Agrican Americans or Aboriginals.
It’s we, the Irish settled people, have to swallow the pill, we have to change first. We are the people that marginalized the Itinerent people in Ireland. So they have to be recognized properly. Before that happens nothing will change. Marginalized people act the same everywhere, there is nothing you can do about that until the ruling class change.
The word African-American made a big difference eventually in the US. ASK the Travellers what they like to be called, acknowledge and celebrate their culture. It’s not that long ago that Luke Kelly and the Clancy Brother revered these people in song, not that long ago. We tried to make them be like us, yet we “hated” the Brits for doing the same, no doubt a lot of the anti-Brits in here have issues with the gypsies a well, hypocrites.
Is there a significant minority breaking laws and making money in less than desirable ways. Breaking into people’s houses in any country in any period is unforgivable, lock the cunts up, but they are NOT all at it.

As I say there is a solution, proper recognition and reconciliation is a must. I don’t expect you to see anything I say positively because you seem emotionally stuck in the haters camp. Maybe you have reason, but you are making massive sweeping generalizations about them. Believe me, I know what that’s like, I get dumb Aussies constantly making broad uneducated statements about Irish people, it’s not nice, even when I know better. An believe me a lot worse is said to other minorities.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 928271, member: 273”]Do you just want to throw them all in jail, just on suspicion? Cos that’s what you are getting at!
That sir is out and out racism and apartheid, no better than the treatment of the Indians, Agrican Americans or Aboriginals.
It’s we, the Irish settled people, have to swallow the pill, we have to change first. We are the people that marginalized the Itinerent people in Ireland. So they have to be recognized properly. Before that happens nothing will change. Marginalized people act the same everywhere, there is nothing you can do about that until the ruling class change.
The word African-American made a big difference eventually in the US. ASK the Travellers what they like to be called, acknowledge and celebrate their culture. It’s not that long ago that Luke Kelly and the Clancy Brother revered these people in song, not that long ago. We tried to make them be like us, yet we “hated” the Brits for doing the same, no doubt a lot of the anti-Brits in here have issues with the gypsies a well, hypocrites.
Is there a significant minority breaking laws and making money in less than desirable ways. Breaking into people’s houses in any country in any period is unforgivable, lock the cunts up, but they are NOT all at it.

As I say there is a solution, proper recognition and reconciliation is a must. I don’t expect you to see anything I say positively because you seem emotionally stuck in the haters camp. Maybe you have reason, but you are making massive sweeping generalizations about them. Believe me, I know what that’s like, I get dumb Aussies constantly making broad uneducated statements about Irish people, it’s not nice, even when I know better. An believe me a lot worse is said to other minorities.[/QUOTE]

You’re wasting your energy on these fools… No one has claimed that the travelling community are saints, but it’s the deep lying issues behind why a lot of them are involed with crime is the problem and as you’ve pointed out above… The lads don’t want to hear it tho, it’s far easier just to hate rather than try and understand.

Of course they’re not! Because they generally behave themselves! You won’t find “Polaks” racing sulkies down the main Cork-Limerick road at two abreast with blatant disregard for human life. You won’t find Polaks doing tarmac drives that resemble a toupé. You won’t find Polaks dealing in stolen goods. You won’t find Polaks driving 2014 Beamers around Rathkeale with no obvious explanation as to how they could afford them. You won’t find Polaks breaking the legs of Olympic boxers with metal bars. I could go on, but I don’t think I need to.

Travellers will get respect when they give it. They are treated as social pariahs because so many behave like them.