More shame for the travelling community

[QUOTE=“tazdedub, post: 928297, member: 312”]And what about travellers taking responsibility for their actions as well instead of playing the poor mouth and racist card all the time?

This is a two way street, if travellers want to be respected and treated well they need change their ways and want to stop the criminal activity. Once that happens the settled community needs to give them he chance but until travellers change their ways that is not going to happen.

Maybe you can tell me, why are travellers so against their children being educated especially the girls?[/QUOTE]
You’ve got that in reverse numbnuts.

All travellers against education yeah? You don’t deal in nuance do you?

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 928316, member: 9”]Not a chance. Sure they* gave that auld lad in Clare the opportunity to cycle through the night straight to that nursing home.

*were they even travellers?[/QUOTE]
Not travellers.

@Mark Renton is right.

Case closed.

Jail all settled people and throw away the key.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 928321, member: 9”]@Mark Renton is right.

Case closed.

Jail all settled people and throw away the key.[/QUOTE]
:clap:Kill em all.

A lot of of the pro gentry here are anti Britain.

Fucking hypocrites.

I love this thread :clap:

Just something to finally sort the issue out

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 928316, member: 9”]Not a chance. Sure they* gave that auld lad in Clare the opportunity to cycle through the night straight to that nursing home.

*were they even travellers?[/QUOTE]
No you mope.
You’d probably know a few of the lads running some of the robberies in Cork, you claim to have been part of the same organization.

And it’s not the criminal wing of the Chartered Accountancy Institute.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 928330, member: 273”]No you mope.
You’d probably know a few of the lads running some of the robberies in Cork, you claim to have been part of the same organization.[/QUOTE]

Chartered Accountants Ireland?

The bastards.

Careful now-you’ll get some of the more bigoted posters here all excited and they will start burning a load of Traveller books and artwork and burning down their businesses.

Half of all travellers in Ireland at present are under 20.

thats because they all die young because we treat them so poorly

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 928288, member: 180”]As your consistent ignoring of the plight of the rural elderly sickens me to the pit of my stomach. You are a disgusting individual and the epitome of all that is wrong with the country boy turned city slicker. It is no surprise that the likes of that Cork gobdaw and settled Limerick knacker are on your side in this matter.

See I can be mean too.[/QUOTE]

You must be of below average intelligence if you think this debate boils down to whether you are a ‘country boy’ or a ‘city slicker’.


You’d think wouldn’t you. But it is that simple. Choose your side carefully boy.

[QUOTE=“Brutus Hanly, post: 928222, member: 2611”]The other morning a brand new looking white Ford Transit drove passed me with some loud looking raw individuals in it. The registration was 141 T …

These dopes were up to something[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the observation, Brutus. I’ve just done a quick google search on used Ford Transit vans. Can you clarify if it looked like the below model? This one costs a cool €51,500.

Alternatively even the lowest spec new Ford Transit vans will set you back at least €23,000.

There needs to be a thorough investigation into the means with which these “loud looking raw individuals” acquired this van.

I thought it has been established that he is the village idiot.

I presume you’re the Halting Site version?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 928271, member: 273”]Do you just want to throw them all in jail, just on suspicion? Cos that’s what you are getting at!
That sir is out and out racism and apartheid, no better than the treatment of the Indians, Agrican Americans or Aboriginals.

It’s we, the Irish settled people, have to swallow the pill, we have to change first. We are the people that marginalized the Itinerent people in Ireland. So they have to be recognized properly. Before that happens nothing will change. Marginalized people act the same everywhere, there is nothing you can do about that until the ruling class change.
The word African-American made a big difference eventually in the US. ASK the Travellers what they like to be called, acknowledge and celebrate their culture. It’s not that long ago that Luke Kelly and the Clancy Brother revered these people in song, not that long ago. We tried to make them be like us, yet we “hated” the Brits for doing the same, no doubt a lot of the anti-Brits in here have issues with the gypsies a well, hypocrites.
Is there a significant minority breaking laws and making money in less than desirable ways. Breaking into people’s houses in any country in any period is unforgivable, lock the cunts up, but they are NOT all at it.

As I say there is a solution, proper recognition and reconciliation is a must. I don’t expect you to see anything I say positively because you seem emotionally stuck in the haters camp. Maybe you have reason, but you are making massive sweeping generalizations about them. Believe me, I know what that’s like, I get dumb Aussies constantly making broad uneducated statements about Irish people, it’s not nice, even when I know better. An believe me a lot worse is said to other minorities.[/QUOTE]

Show me where i said anything racist about them or said they should all be thrown in jail.

All i said was there are a lot driving around with big cars/vans, they have other luxuries and a lot of disposable income. Where is it coming from, because we’ve established they are not eligible to receive benefits or on the flip side to pay tax. I think that is a very fair question and that is all i’m trying to establish, for now.

There needs to be a thorough investigation.

2011 Census