More shame for the travelling community

I don’t think the Australian-Italian community can take the rap for this in fairness TASE.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 928366, member: 2269”]Show me where i said anything racist about them or said they should all be thrown in jail.

All i said was there are a lot driving around with big cars/vans, they have other luxuries and a lot of disposable income. Where is it coming from, because we’ve established they are not eligible to receive benefits or on the flip side to pay tax. I think that is a very fair question and that is all i’m trying to establish, for now.

There needs to be a thorough investigation.[/QUOTE]
Investigate what? This is going on for 25-30 years.

You clearly don’t understand what racism is fella.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 928385, member: 273”]Investigate what? This is going on for 25-30 years.

You clearly don’t understand what racism is fella.[/QUOTE]

No i think it’s you who doesn’t understand a questioning mind. There’s no racism been mentioned, only valid observations.

So because it’s going on 25-30yrs it’s acceptable? Also you’ve just acknowledged there that in your opinion something dodgy has been happening. You’re admitting to the same suspicions i had, ergo you must also be a “racist” by your own logic.

ESRI Report.

Tess tickle has made absolute shite of caoimhaoin here.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 928185, member: 273”]I think they should be signed up to a special status. They declare themselves as gypsies, but by doing so they give up the right to any state allowance. Then they only have to abide by laws that affect the rest if us. As in if they disrupt any of the “citizens” civil liberties then they are punishable by Irish laws. If they decide to just but and sell scrap etc and people pay them cash for items or sell them whatever then that’s fair game. And if they can live that way then they are entitled to live their itinerant lifestyle. If you came down hard in iffenders you would sort out who really wants the lifestyle and who wants to hide behind it to be a criminal. But if you put an ultimatum to them and the cops then in turn deal correctly with any subsequent law infringements you’d clean up alit if it over time.

The Infians in America have carved out something to cling onto in terms of tradition. There are clear abuses of their allowances, but they have something. Similar solutions are possible in Ireland with the Travellers and here in Oz with the indigenous[/QUOTE]

FFS. Do you want them to wear a Star of David on their coats too? A lunatic suggestion Kev.

[QUOTE=“Gary Birtles Lovechild, post: 928201, member: 2585”]You need to look at it in context though. And take stock of the relatively high proportion of troublesome ones. Travellers number roughly 30,000 in Ireland. Now, for such a relatively small group, they cause an inordinate amount of trouble. There are about ten times as many Polish people in the country as there are Travellers, yet I would be willing to bet you all the tea in china that crime levels amongst travellers are much higher than they are for the Polish community. And ditto for the Chinese, Nigerian and Baltic state communities.

I’ll put it to you like this - in the off licence I work in, I’ve had to bar roughly 5 Travellers in the last two weeks. I haven’t barred any settled person in the same time. In fact since the start of the year, we’ve had to bar only 1 settled person from the premises. 10-15% of our Traveller customers have been told not to come back due to theft or abusive behaviour. If they’re not trying to steal pallets from out the back, they’re at distraction thefts. If we had to bar the same percentage of our settled customers, we might as well shut up shop.

30,000 population, yet rates of crime way out of proportion with their numbers. Yes many of them are well behaved, I won’t deny it. But there are almost as many again who are pure trouble. I say it as I see it.[/QUOTE]

Substitute black for traveller and move to the US and you will have the same problem. It’s a peculiarly Irish attitude to think poverty and discrimination contribute to crime everywhere but Ireland. Here it’s just scumbags apparently.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 928388, member: 2269”]No i think it’s you who doesn’t understand a questioning mind. There’s no racism been mentioned, only valid observations.

So because it’s going on 25-30yrs it’s acceptable? Also you’ve just acknowledged there that in your opinion something dodgy has been happening. You’re admitting to the same suspicions i had, ergo you must also be a “racist” by your own logic.[/QUOTE]
You moron, I have already spelled this all out for you. There is no discussion here.

[QUOTE=“tazdedub, post: 928297, member: 312”]And what about travellers taking responsibility for their actions as well instead of playing the poor mouth and racist card all the time?

This is a two way street, if travellers want to be respected and treated well they need change their ways and want to stop the criminal activity. Once that happens the settled community needs to give them he chance but until travellers change their ways that is not going to happen.

Maybe you can tell me, why are travellers so against their children being educated especially the girls?[/QUOTE]

In most enlightened communities they would talk about giving people respect before asking them to behave.

I can imagine a dissenting voice when MLK marched on Washington shouting to the crowd “hang on, behave yourselves first, then we can talk.”

Some outrageous shit on this thread. Nothing more pathetic than MBB liking every Bandage post trying to get him on his side.

And can we all agree that there is more to crime, poverty, racism and poverty than what car you drive.

Rocko do you accept that travellers are somewhat to blame for their own misfortune?

They won’t attend school for example which is 100% free, and they’d get every grant under the sun to go to college but very few do.
So is that us repressing them or them refusing our assistance?

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 928409, member: 1”]Some outrageous shit on this thread. Nothing more pathetic than MBB liking every Bandage post trying to get him on his side.

And can we all agree that there is more to crime, poverty, racism and poverty than what car you drive.[/QUOTE]

You are blaming the higher incidence of Travellers in jail on their poverty, so I think it’s fair to point out that there is plenty cash circulating in their community.

@Bandage :smiley:

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 928412, member: 332”]Rocko do you accept that travellers are somewhat to blame for their own misfortune?

They won’t attend school for example which is 100% free, and they’d get every grant under the sun to go to college but very few do.
So is that us repressing them or them refusing our assistance?[/QUOTE]

go to a school where the parents of the other kids look down on them, go to uni & be an outcast? some choice hey

What are you in about, I made no such suggestion, it’s recognition I think they want and need. Recognition would be a start. As it is now people don’t look at them as people. I’m suggesting the opposite to what you are suggesting.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 928366, member: 2269”]Show me where i said anything racist about them or said they should all be thrown in jail.

All i said was there are a lot driving around with big cars/vans, they have other luxuries and a lot of disposable income. Where is it coming from, because we’ve established they are not eligible to receive benefits or on the flip side to pay tax. I think that is a very fair question and that is all i’m trying to establish, for now.

There needs to be a thorough investigation.[/QUOTE]

Not eligable for benefits??? Are you fucking serious where did imagine that scenario?

Your living in a different time pal, the vast majority now attend school up until they are legally allowed to leave. Brings too much hassle on families if they dont as they will be persued through the courts.

Are you saying they are eligible for benefits? By this i mean travellers who are still travellers and not settled, so of no fixed abode. I thought you had to be fixed abode. So the ones working then are paying taxes is that it too?

The cadillac stood by the house
And the yanks they were within
And the tinker boys they hissed advice
‘hot-wire her with a pin’

Who said because they have a house they don’t consider themselves travellers? Halting sites have addresses too. What percentage of travellers do you think are of no fixed abode? You’re really showing your ignorance, repeatedly.