More shame for the travelling community

ah come on now, knacker-aguans are well renownd for their rampant cousin marrying culture. isnt that why all the shams in knacker-agua refer to each other as 'cus.
erm… 'cus. dont be trying to tar us with your brush now shamboy.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 951622, member: 2269”]Can someone tell me what line of work Mr Ryan is in that he could pay €3500 to a landlord for wrecking a jeep and also €500 compensation to an elderly innocent man he assaulted. He had also money to pay for a bottle of whiskey he drank beforehand (about €25). And the high powered car, CCTV cameras, heavy security would cost big money as well.

Can someone confirm what line of work this man or his family are in that they have such handy money? That’s the first thing that needs investigating and after that we can deal with the other aspects of this sordid tale.[/QUOTE]

How many Celtic tiger cubs borrowed up to their necks for cars, holidays, drinks, eating out, houses they couldn’t afford??

What’s that got to do with what this fella does for a living?

You’re implying that he was spending someone else’s money. Like the whole country did. .

They smell really bad so Stevie Wonder can hate them too.

What’s wrong with ye all? Why can’t we all just celebrate the positive parts of traveller culture together?[ATTACH=full]1298[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1299[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1300[/ATTACH]

You’re some social reject

@glasagusban[/USER] when [USER=180]@myboyblue is calling you a social reject then it’s time to take a long hard look at yourself

Nah mate, when the village idiot takes sides against you you know you’re alright.

Not when there’s are waft of camp fire of you, kid.

Those photos are an abomination @glasagusban and your posting of them leads me to believe that the sun has got to you in advance of Sunday.


Can you imagine the sort of abortion of a man who goes googling pictures of hot knackers? The sort either born into or married into one such family you’d suspect. They’re most likely his daughters. Or his sisters. Which is probably one and the same.

What search term would you use? “sexy knackers” “kinky tinkers”?

Hot knackers? That’s what happens when you go to far up the thigh with the Deep Heat.

The village idiocy of Blueboy has also been confirmed. Whatever about your mother and sister being the same person it’d be some achievement (even for a pikey) for one’s daughter and sister to be one and the same.

@Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen is sticking up for a fella who whacks off to pictures of his campfire sisters. This is a disappointing development and not much more to be said quite frankly. Enjoy the campfire lads, you’re welcome to it.

I wasn’t sticking up for him at all. I was simply calling you a moron. :smiley:

Documentary on TV3 right now called ‘Traveller Feuds’. It’s very informative and eye opening.

Cracker knackers

Woah, not cool man, not alright alright alright at all. What’s wrong with you, seriously?