More shame for the travelling community

Did anyone listen to the Pat Kenny Show on Newstalk yesterday morning?

Pat took a trip to a Halting Site in Fingal. Then have some contributors in the Studio, Martin from Pavee point & some other bint. Ian O’Doherty & some other cunt too.

Christ, but from what I heard those cunts from Pavee point are seriously deluded. Someone ( @Rocko ) throw up the podcast.

Yeah heard a bit of that. I’d say 99% of the listener comments were consistent with the kind of comments you see made on here about the subject.

I heard part of the interview. Supposedly there are 30 bays on the is halting site but only about 12 or so are used, they have rigged up unsafe connection to the electricity, seemingly wires are going everywhere. The reason why there are so many bays empty is because they travellers on the site only want their family on the stie and not other traveller families. why is it ok for travellers to say they don’t want to live beside other travellers but your racist or a bigot if anyone else says that?

Today Pat Kenny read out a statement from the Council because on the show yesterday they were giving out about the council doing nothing. The statement from the council highlighted the money they have spent on the site and the harassment and threats the council workers get when they go on the site.

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Biscuits, chocolate and cakes or more unusual treats, mate?


here is the link to the podcast from yesterday

Thanks Bandage.

Here is the poll they ran on Newstalk on “Would-you-object-to-travellers-living-in-your-area?”

No one else watching the late late?


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Missed the start of it. What did they get a degree in?

What is surprising is that the figure is ‘Only’ 77.95%

Freemasonry :eek:


I would.

Both came across very well. Tubers made a fool of himself as usual. “Ye are both faith” was his comment about them meeting the Pope.


Edited post. I put it in the confessions thread as it’s more applicable.

A programme about them on Prime Time here with them on moaning and whinging about stuff. I wonder will any of them whinge about getting soaked in dirty rain water by passing cars.


FFS the get up of their representative in the studio tonight. :smile:

The neck scarf :smile:


Is Martin there?

Or is he still outside Leinster House?