More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Love it when the wife gives me the shopping list the odd time she has a migraine on a Saturday. Inevitably ends up costing about 50 yoyos more. Beer, crisps, and inevitably some useless piece of DIY equipment on offer that Iā€™m never going to use. Drives her fucking nuts.


In our house, i spend far less. Its irrelevant in any case as she has her own account, and I have a joint account, which coincidentally pays her credit card.
She gets outraged if I dare even comment on her spending but is delighted with herself at somehow arriving at this arrangement.
Go figure.
I bet those yokes cost a fortune.

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Itā€™s not too often Iā€™m allowed I tell you. But I think all men are the same. The wife is just functional when it comes to the weekly shop. The odd time she letā€™s the reigns off I just throw a few extra ā€œnecessitiesā€ in

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I now picture @iron_mikeā€™s shopping trips going a bit like this:


Flatty! even your wife thinks you are sound :rolling_eyes:

Ah no. She called me a silly prick with frontal lobe syndrome on Wednesday. Our daughter is away on a cub week and they set up a whatā€™s app group showing photos etc to which I was mysteriously added. Anyhow one of the mothers I know for a long time posted how lovely it was to see them crabbing in Wales. I posted that I heard she had caught crabs in Wales a few years back, then thought better of it, and deleted it.
Next thing I know all heā€™ll is breaking loose, and I realised that it only deletes off your phone and not off the board. I got upset and abusive texts from said lady, who seemed to take it all a bit too seriously, and then outrage from herself.
Anyhow, I had to group apologise, and then remove myself from the group in a display of public self flagellation etc etc.
Iā€™m keeping a low profile til it blows over. May be a while blowing over in the village.


Oh flatty :joy:


Iā€™m sorry chief and no disrespect, but Iā€™m in convulsions here. Thatā€™s the funniest post Iā€™ve read in awhile. Absolutely hilarious. Did you get any sympathy at all

Good man, @flattythehurdler. Whatā€™s crabbing anyway?

Scrumping in sea water

Taking a shit in the sea?

Did they not used to do it the whole time in the crescent about 20 years ago ?

I want to live in @flattythehurdler 's world. Just for one day.


Everyone is fucking seething here. Your one is so angry I can only surmise that she did indeed catch crabs before.
I Darent go to the pub, though itā€™s junior b championship tomorrow evening so thereā€™ll be safety in numbers. Its a bit of a disaster to be honest. Hopefully something else will happen soon and itā€™ll be tomorrowā€™s fish and chip wrapping.


its rampant

It was grossly inappropiate


It was, obviously. Iā€™m spending too much time on here. And youā€™re sounding like my fucking wife.


your some boy Flattyā€¦classic