More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

What does trying for babies involve?

Riding a lot

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Praying really hard to Holy God.


Smashing news

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I cried like a baby when my sister gave birth to healthy twins after many years of experience similar to that @farmerinthecity outlined, my brother and his wife are expecting their second now after some tragedies as well, it’s a tough situation, nice to hear positive outcomes.


I need to get this off my chest. I recently started seeing an employee. She’s only 28. And engaged to be married. It’s just not right

Good for you mate. About time you started seeing people who have jobs. Hope it works out for you.

Does anybody else see her or just you, do you think?


there’s a lad riding her every night

I know in my head that @myboyblue is actually a real person but it’s still a bit weird and uncomfortable when he posts like one.


Does she charge the lad she’s engaged to be married to as well?


Forgive me, I try not to let it happen very often


Knackers feuding lead story on 9pm news

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Would you say you get a better class of fanny on the mainland mate?

Very tight knit community. All the men folk dropped everything at work and rushed home to comfort the family.

I hope to god they put that poor child into care and dont let him back into that fucking shithole

Arthur Collins, father and grandfather of two of the people shot today, was on Drive Time just after 5 with Paul Reynolds.

It was unmissable radio.

He was on the news just there

I imagine him to look like a King of the Travellers type - would that be an accurate guess or assumption.

He couldn’t stress enough how he was at the doctors when it all kicked off.

He said he was putting up the Christmas tree on the Six One news

A traveller with conflicting versions of the truth, that can’t be right…