More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

All his friends are Tories and Rocko socialists.

I reckon she is gagging for it Flatty.

Iā€™ll bear that in mind.


Iā€™m not a member of a lawn tennis club pal

& you never will be

Tipperary peace awards :joy: :joy: :joy:

Ye fuckin apes.


I heard the ape on the radio this morning trying to justify giving him the award, in particular for all the great work heā€™s done in Syria

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Who won it this year bud?

War Monger John Kerry

Thatā€™s a big leap from Ban Ki Moon last year :grin:

And the clown thinks John Kerry will make his way to Tipp town to pick up his award sometime this year. You couldnā€™t make it up. @flattythehurdler , get onto your man in Letterfrack, we need a sculpture reflecting Tippā€™s love of peace.

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Went walking in Curraghchase yesterday evening and when the kids were changing for bed last night the eldest found an insect (tick) buried in her leg, his head was fully inside and the cunt wouldnā€™t come out easily. We didnā€™t know what to do and panicked a bit so w ended up removing it quite roughly. The missus is sick with worry about Lyme disease and the little ones been put on a preventative antibiotic today.
Fucking cunt of a fucker. :rage:

She might have to lose the leg.

I used to regularly get tick bites when I lived in the mid-west, and Lymeā€™s was a big problem over there. So far, no issues to report here :slight_smile: Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be fine pal. Biggest thing is not to panic. Even if she was incredibly unlucky and got Lymeā€™s, complications from the disease are rare.

I was shown an easy and safe way to remove a tick using a simple circular caress motion. They eventually let go, and especially with kids itā€™s a nice stress-free way to do it. My kids both had ticks after a hike this summer - they were fascinated to see the little bastards after I got them out. anyway, check out this video:


Bookmarking that one in caver of future need

Was it a scirtaĆ­n (a total guess at the spelling)?


Informative rating.

@backinatracksuit - your urban dwelling lifestyle is coming back to bite you on the ass (if youā€™ll pardon the choice of words).

My old man would concur. Thatā€™s what he always called them. Itā€™s spelled sceartĆ”n.

They can get rightly stuck in. I used to always be getting them when I used to roam the fields as a young lad.

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