More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

You’ll be on the list too funny man.

spotted @Fran at lunchtime on Merrion square with a Dundalk jersey on. is there any bandwagon he doesn’t get aboard?

Losing ones

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Ye’re some cunts, she was complaining about being cold earlier on but she’s in great form now. Last time I mention a health issues here anyway.

Unless you’re mixing up Merrion Square with Piazza di Santa Maria Novella then you’re sadly mistaken, pal


@Ambrose_McNulty, is feeling cold one of the symptoms in your professional opinion?

Only if she’s urinating blood.

Watching spotless while eating a chinese

This whole Maynooth fiasco. Can’t for the life understand what the big fucking hullabaloo is about. Silly season? A few gay lads on a website looking for a bit and it gets national headlines. There must be fuck all else happening.

Surely should be in the outstanding headlines thread.

I have another one for that

This bizarre idea that some random vegetables and utter dogfood floating in a puddle of water is “haute ethnic cuisine” and some lovely black pudding and delish sausages that taste like actual sausages is “roasterism”

The father in law just arrived home and saw the neighbours aul dairy bull sitting in the back field relaxing and smoking a fag after a morning in with his pure bred Aberdeen Angus heifers.


What’s the etiquette here between neighbours?

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Whats happened to you?

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Two words

#road frontage


Were any of them ‘shtanding’ for him?

I met a lunatic during the week lambasting his Aberdeen Angus bull as he hasn’t seen a calf or his rod in 14 months. :smile:

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