More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Is there really? You’d never think so.

Muldoons living in Dublin bringing their dublin born kids to gga games and making them wear muldoon bog ball jerseys

Will you bring your daughters to Shamrock rovers?

Erica works, pal. Erica’s taxes go towards the public services which the owner of the newspaper which published the non-story about her today weasels out of paying towards due to his tax avoidance.


What is wrong with tax avoidance ???


What does she work at pal ?

She works as a researcher for IBEC

Is that a rhetorical question?

Instructive that you appear to think that sort of stuff is fine while vilifying a single mother who does her best for her daughter.

And all that while claiming that people with your sort of views are “victims”. Nice work.


What do ye reckon the rule should be on refusing housing lads? 3 refusals and the length you have to take the gaff maybe. Or any amount of refusals on any gaff outside a certain distance from your home place? I’d go with a distance rule like only having 2 refusals on anything inside 10 kilometres from your home place.
I suppose there would need to be something on the amount of rooms too.

That’s still too fucking good. Dublin homeless should be fucked down to estates in Cavan and Westmeath where it’s cheaper to house them.


What guarantee to those on the housing list get if they accept a gaff but find themselves homeless again after a year because the landlord decides to sell the place. Will they go back to the bottom of the list?

3 people i know of around here i heard today got their free gafs. fucking 3 beds that i am paying 1200 (fucked up) a month for. they get it for nothing. seething

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Turned down accommodation twice. What am i missing here?

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More like “single mother who refuses to do best for her daughter”.

She could conditionally accept the accommodation until something closer to where she wants it turns up.


Obviously, one would think.

As has been asked before, where is the child’s father in all this and why isn’t her supporting both of them?

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Not sure what you mean. The councils control the housing on their list. There are no landlords involved unless on longterm leases. It is very difficult to lose your house.

Bollox. Accommodation that you and I are paying for. How many on this forum have either rented or purchased somewhere nowhere near where we wanted to rent or buy, out of sheer affordability or work issues. This cunt got offered accommodation twice and fully paid for by the taxpayer. I’d take the daughter off her and let her sleep on the streets the fucking leach.


The scheme she was offered was with a private landlord apparently. Local authority paid the rent. 12 month lease