More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

See @gilgamboa for the answer.

I was pointing out that she has options and is not backed into a corner as some would have you believe. You make a valid point about having to live away from where we want to due to constraints.

As for taking her daughter off her, thatā€™s a nuclear solution. Sheā€™d want to be some useless cunt of a mother if putting her daughter into state ā€œcareā€ is a better solution than staying with her. The point here remains, she cannot have her cake and eat it - she either wants a home. Or she doesnā€™t.

In violent agreement with you horse. The point about the daughter was simply implying she is using her as a pawn in the situation. Love to know how much of an influence her SF connections have on her

You wouldnā€™t hit a horse with glasses, would you?

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No horse I wouldnt

Iā€™m terribly saddened by the lack of humanity on show here.

Iā€™m praying for all of you.

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he is deceased

Thereā€™s plenty of humanity for tax avoiders on show.

Theyā€™re the real victims here.

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Ah thatā€™s shit. A year is no time. I wouldnā€™t take that.



Itā€™s a tricky one. Def not black and white. She obviously might have got longer out of it but out of her control. I think dropping to bottom of housing list whilst retaining the uncertainty was was deciding factor.

Well it would give her time to sort her shit out would itake not?

Only she knows the answer to that Iā€™d say. Somehow I doubt it if she wants to go back to college etc. Iā€™m not defending her position. Just saying it is somewhat understandable if her long term goal is to live in social housing for the rest of her life.

Donā€™t hate the player hate the game

I actually met a fella there a few weeks back. Nice lad from the UK. Moved over here with no job to live closer to his Irish girlfriend. Heā€™s living with his granny. Heā€™s getting full jobseekers based on paying his ā€œstampsā€ in the UK. Also eligible for funded college courses through some Springboard scheme. They will even pay an allowance for his expenses to go to college.

I was gobsmacked

I think part of her problem is sheā€™s being used as a pawn by the SF brigade for some political point scoring


Sort her shot out in what way? Saving a deposit and applying for a mortgage.? Sheā€™d want to be on 100k+ to achieve that.

If that is so, we are fucked.

Sure I subsequently had a lovely dinner experience with Kent, Lynette and the others in Mornington. I was exaggerating, it was said in jest, a mere throw-away comment. I really, really like people.

Hang on a second chief. At the moment she is claiming to be homeless. She has a kid. She has or had an offer of fully paid up accommodation for 12 months. Getting her shit together does not mean necessarily gathering a deposit together for a house. It can mean getting somewhere she can put her head down and start to build a life. Head into Dublin this evening and ask any poor cunt living on the streets if heā€™d take a fully paid up pad for 12 months and see how many would say no.

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