More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Everyone should have a lovely dinner experience in Mornington so, if only to repair their faith in humankind

Plenty would say no if making a decision to accept short term accommodation means you end up back at the bottom of the housing list


I donā€™t understand why there are so many people on the thread ignoring this basic point (which she made on the original RTE show), calling her horrible names and saying her child should be taken from her. Itā€™s vile and upsetting.


You have to take a chance every now and again. All I know is that if it was me with a kid Iā€™d take the gig and move on from there.

As I said earlier. I probably would too. But itā€™s far from black and white decision

Few men have your emotional intelligence and compassion though pal.

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Iā€™m still hedging my bets on the SF influence clouding her decision.

Because there a lot of unhappy people out there who arenā€™t as fulfilled in their personal life as you are, pal, and see the vulnerable as cheap and easy targets for their unfocussed anger, and the INTERNET is a risk-free environment in which to do so.

Thereā€™s also a mob element to it - if people see others picking on somebody vulnerable, the more easily led tend to jump on the bandwagon and indulge their inner bully irrespective of whether they know anything about the case in question.

Itā€™s also well known that people with right-wing political views tend to be ruled by emotions rather than reason. Emotions usually meaning anger, usually unfocussed. Easy targets become the focus of that anger, such as single mothers, the unemployed, ethnic minorities, immigrants, gay people etc.


Iā€™d say most people living on the street would probably take your offer but she is in a hotel. She wants her next move to be permanent and understandably so.

He who pays the piper calls the tune

Good point but Iā€™m not sure if a thousand year old saying still holds sway legally in Ireland. And the pipes are a shit instrument you diddlee eye rural freak.


Not knowing the difference between maths and arithmetic.

Whereā€™s my free apartment?

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We have one for you in Leitrim.

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Iā€™ll take it. Iā€™ll Airbnb it to the Dubā€™s should be worth a few bob

Serious journalism isnā€™t for everyone, itā€™s why we have opinion pieces.


There is no Irish player in the Man Utd first team squad for the first time since 1936

Who was there last year?

Some Nordie cunt.

Are we talking about in the first team squad in general or just on match days here?